Atmel Studio 7
Getting Started with Atmel Studio 7
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Table of Contents
1. Getting Started.......................................................................................................... 3
1.1. AVR
and SAM Development Tools Overview............................................................................. 5
1.2. AVR
and SAM HW Tools and Debuggers...................................................................................6
1.3. Data Visualizer and Power Debugging Demo.............................................................................. 8
1.4. Installation and Updates.............................................................................................................10
1.5. Atmel Gallery and Studio Extensions......................................................................................... 12
1.6. Atmel START Integration............................................................................................................13
1.7. Creating a New Project.............................................................................................................. 18
1.8. Creating From Arduino Sketch................................................................................................... 24
1.9. In-System Programming and Kit Connection............................................................................. 25
1.10. I/O View and Other Bare-Metal Programming References ....................................................... 32
1.11. Editor: Writing and Re-Factoring Code (Visual Assist)...............................................................44
1.12. AVR Simulator Debugging..........................................................................................................53
1.13. Debugging 1: Break Points, Stepping, and Call Stack............................................................... 58
1.14. Debugging 2: Conditional- and Action-Breakpoints ...................................................................68
1.15. Debugging 3: I/O View Memory View and Watch.......................................................................75
2. Revision History.......................................................................................................83
The Microchip Web Site................................................................................................ 84
Customer Change Notification Service..........................................................................84
Customer Support......................................................................................................... 84
Microchip Devices Code Protection Feature................................................................. 84
Legal Notice...................................................................................................................85
Trademarks................................................................................................................... 85
Quality Management System Certified by DNV.............................................................86
Worldwide Sales and Service........................................................................................87
Atmel Studio 7
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1. Getting Started
Getting Started Atmel Studio 7 - playlist.
Video Description Video Description Video Demo code
Video Hands-on Video Hands-on Video Hands-on
Video Hands-on Video Hands-on Video Hands-on
Video Hands-on Video Hands-on Video Hands-on
Video Hands-on Video Hands-on Video Hands-on
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This Getting Started training for Atmel Studio 7 will guide you through all the major features of the IDE. It
is designed as a video series with accompanying hands-ons. Each section starts with a video, which
covers that section.
Much of the training could be completed by using the editor and simulator, however, in order to cover
everything the following is recommended.
Hardware prerequisites:
ATtiny817 Xplained Pro
Standard-A to Micro-B USB cable
Software prerequisites:
Atmel Studio 7.0
avr-gcc toolchain
Latest Part Pack for tinyAVR
Atmel Studio 7.0 plugins used:
Atmel Start or later
Data Visualizer Extension 2.14.709 or later
Icon Key Identifiers
The following icons are used in this document to identify different assignment sections and to reduce
Info:  Delivers contextual information about a specific topic.
Tip:  Highlights useful tips and techniques.
To do:  Highlights objectives to be completed.
Result:  Highlights the expected result of an assignment step.
Indicates important information.
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Execute:  Highlights actions to be executed out of the target when necessary.
1.1 AVR
and SAM Development Tools Overview
This section gives an overview of the various pieces in the AVR
and SAM Tools ecosystem and how they
relate to each other.
Getting Started Topics
Video: AVR and SAM Tools ecosystem overview
Atmel START is a web-based software configuration tool, for various software frameworks, which helps
you getting started with MCU development. Starting from either a new project or an example project,
Atmel START allows you to select and configure software components (from ASF4 and Foundation
Services), such as drivers and middleware to tailor your embedded application in a usable and optimized
manner. Once an optimized software configuration is done, you can download the generated code
project and open it in the IDE of your choice, including Studio 7, IAR Embedded Workbench
, Keil
, or simply generate a make file.
Atmel START enables you to:
Get help with selecting an MCU, based on both software and hardware requirements
Find and develop examples for your board
Configure drivers, middleware, and example projects
Get help with setting up a valid PINMUX layout
Configure system clock settings
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ASF, the Advanced Software Framework, provides a rich set of proven drivers and code modules
developed by experts to reduce customer design-time. It simplifies the usage of microcontrollers by
providing an abstraction to the hardware through drivers and high-value middlewares. ASF is a free and
open-source code library designed to be used for evaluation, prototyping, design, and production phases.
ASF4, supporting the SAM product line, is the fourth major generation of ASF. ASF4 represents a
complete re-design and -implementation of the whole framework, to improve the memory footprint, code
performance, as well as to better integrate with the Atmel START web user interface. ASF4 must be used
in conjunction with Atmel START, which replaces the ASF Wizard of ASF2 and 3.
Foundation Services, supporting the AVR product line, is a simple firmware framework for AVR 8-bit
MCUs, equivalent to Foundation Services, which supports 8- and 16-bit PIC MCUs. Foundation
Services is optimized for code-size and -speed, as well as simplicity and readability of code. Foundation
Services is configured by Atmel START.
An IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is used to develop an application (or further develop an
example application) based on the software components, such as drivers and middlewares, configured in
and exported from Atmel START.
Atmel Studio 7 is the integrated development platform (IDP) for developing and debugging all AVR and
SAM microcontroller applications. The Atmel Studio 7 IDP gives you a seamless and easy-to-use
environment to write, build, and debug your applications written in C/C++ or assembly code. It also
connects seamlessly to the debuggers, programmers, and development kits that support AVR and SAM
devices. The development experience between Atmel START and Studio 7 has been optimized. Iterative
development of START-based projects in Studio 7 is supported through re-configure and merge
1.2 AVR
and SAM HW Tools and Debuggers
This section describes the HW Tools ecosystem for AVR
and SAM MCUs.
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Video: AVR & SAM HW Tools & Debuggers
Data Visualizer
The Data Visualizer is a program to process and visualize data. The Data Visualizer is capable of
receiving data from various sources such as the Embedded Debugger Data Gateway Interface (DGI) and
COM ports. Track your application’s run-time using a terminal or graph, or analyze the power
consumption of your application through correlation of code execution and power consumption, when
used together with a supported probe or board. Having full control of your codes’ run-time behavior has
never been easier.
Both a stand-alone and a plug-in version for Atmel Studio 7 are available at the website link below.
Website: Data Visualizer.
Atmel-ICE is a powerful development tool for debugging and programming AVR microcontrollers using
UPDI, JTAG, PDI, debugWIRE, aWire, TPI, or SPI target interfaces and ARM
-M based SAM
microcontrollers using JTAG or SWD target interfaces.
Atmel-ICE is a powerful development tool for debugging and programming ARM Cortex-M based SAM
and AVR microcontrollers with on-chip debug capability.
Website: Atmel-ICE
Power Debugger:
Power Debugger is a powerful development tool for debugging and programming AVR microcontrollers
using UPDI, JTAG, PDI, debugWIRE, aWire, TPI, or SPI target interfaces and ARM Cortex-M based SAM
microcontrollers using JTAG or SWD target interfaces.
In addition, the Power Debugger has two independent current sensing channels for measuring and
optimizing the power consumption of a design.
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Power Debugger also includes a CDC virtual COM port interface as well as Data Gateway Interface
channels for streaming application data to the host computer from an SPI, USART, TWI, or GPIO source.
The Power Debugger is a CMSIS-DAP compatible debugger which works with Studio 7.0 or later, or other
frontend software capable of connecting to a generic CMSIS-DAP unit. The Power Debugger streams
power measurements and application debug data to the Data Visualizer for real-time analysis.
For more information, visit the Online User Guide.
Website: Power Debugger
1.3 Data Visualizer and Power Debugging Demo
This section shows a demo using the Data Visualizer including Power Debugging.
Getting Started Topics
Video: Data Visualizer and Power Debugging Demo
* Power_Demo_ADC_SleepWalking.c
* Device/board: ATtiny817 Xplained Pro
* Created: 8/6/2017 3:15:21 PM
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/sleep.h>
#define F_CPU (20E6/2)
void sys_init(void)
void rtc_pit_init(void)
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//picoPower 4: Event system vs. IRQ. Compare to not using IRQ
void evsys_init(void)
//picoPower 3: Evaluate own sample, e.g. window mode.
// Significantly reduce awake time.
void adc_init(void)
ADC0.CTRLA |= ADC_RUNSTBY_bm; //picoPower 1: So can run in sleep.
ADC0.CTRLE = ADC_WINCM_OUTSIDE_gc; //picoPower 3: So can evaluate own sample.
ADC0.WINHT = 200;
ADC0.WINLT = 100;
ADC0.EVCTRL = ADC_STARTEI_bm; //picoPower 4: So event can trigger conversion
uint8_t adc_get_result(void)
return ADC0.RESL;
//picoPower 5: Send quickly, then back to sleep: compare 9600, 115200, 1250000 baud rates
//note only sending 1 byte
#define BAUD_RATE 57600
void usart_init()
USART0.BAUD = (F_CPU * 64.0) / (BAUD_RATE * 16.0);
void usart_put_c(uint8_t c)
VPORTB.DIR |= PIN2_bm | PIN6_bm; //picoPower 2b: see Disable Tx below
VPORTB.DIR &= ~PIN2_bm | PIN6_bm;
//picoPower 2b: Disable Tx pin in-between transmissions
//picoPower 2: Disable unused GPIO
// compare: Nothing, PORT_ISC_INPUT_DISABLE_gc, PORT_PULLUPEN_bp
void io_init(void)
for (uint8_t pin=0; pin < 8; pin++)
int main(void)
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//picoPower 1: Go to sleep. Compare with no sleep, IDLE and STANDBY
while (1)
ISR(ADC0_WCOMP_vect) //picoPower 3: Only called if relevant sample
1.4 Installation and Updates
This section describes the process of installing Atmel Studio 7, installing updates for Studio or plugins, as
well as adding support for new devices.
Getting Started Topics
Video: Installation and Updates
1.4.1 Installation
Supported Operating Systems
Windows 7 Service Pack 1 or higher
Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 or higher
Windows 8/8.1
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Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows 10
Supported Architectures
32-bit (x86)
64-bit (x64)
Hardware Requirements
A computer that has a 1.6 GHz or faster processor
1 GB RAM for x86
2 GB RAM for x64
An additional 512 MB RAM if running in a Virtual Machine
6 GB available hard disk space
Downloading and Installing
Download the latest Atmel Studio installer: Atmel Studio 7
The web installer is a small file (<10 MB) and will download specified components as needed.
The offline installer has all components embedded
Atmel Studio can be run side-by-side with older versions of Atmel Studio and AVR Studio
Uninstallation of any previous versions is not required.
Verify the hardware and software requirements from the "System Requirements" section
Make sure your user has local administrator privileges
Save all your work before starting. The installation might prompt you to restart if required.
Disconnect all Atmel USB/Serial hardware devices
Double-click the installer executable file and follow the installation wizard
Once finished, the installer displays an option to Start Atmel Studio after completion. If you
choose to open, then note that Atmel Studio will launch with administrative privileges, since the
installer was either launched as administrator or with elevated privileges.
In Atmel Studio you may see an update notification (flag symbol) next to the Quick Launch field in
the title bar. Here you may select and install updated components or device support.
1.4.2 Downloading Offline Documentation
If you would like to work offline, it would be advisable to use the offline documentation for Studio 7.
To do this, from the Studio 7 Start Page, click on Download documentation. When the help viewer pops
up, first click the Online button and search for documentation of interest, such as data sheets, user
manuals, and application notes (wait for the available documents to show up).
In the example below, we are choosing to download the Power Debugger user manual, the ATtiny817
Xplained Pro user manual, as well as the ATtiny817 Complete data sheet. Clicking update will then
initiate the download.
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1.5 Atmel Gallery and Studio Extensions
This section describes how Atmel Studio can be extended and updated through the Atmel Gallery. Some
of the most useful and popular extensions are described.
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Video: Gallery, Studio Extensions and Updates
Add Extensions
Included Extensions
Popular Extensions
Extensions Used in Series
Extension Options/Settings
1.6 Atmel START Integration
The development experience between Atmel START and Studio 7 has been optimized. This section
demonstrates the iterative development process of START-based projects in Studio 7, through the re-
configure and merge functionality.
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Video: Atmel START Integration
To do:  Exporting the Project from Atmel START.
1. On the Atmel START website, create a new project (Example or Board).
2. Click on the Export Software Component button. Make sure the Atmel Studio check-box is
3. Click on Download pack. An atmelstart.atzip pack file will be downloaded.
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Figure 1-1. Download Your Configured Project
To do:  Import the Atmel START Output into Atmel Studio.
4. Launch Atmel Studio.
5. Select File > Import > Atmel Start Project.
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Figure 1-2. Import Atmel START Project
6. Browse and select the downloaded atmelstart.atzip file.
7. The Atmel Start Importer dialog box will open. Enter the project details as Project name, Location,
and Solution name. Click OK.
Figure 1-3. START Project Importer
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8. A new Atmel Studio project will be created and the files will be imported.
To do:  Import the Atmel START Output into Atmel Studio.
9. Some projects contain documentation formatted for Doxygen.
Note:  Doxygen must be downloaded from and installed. You will be asked
to configure Studio to locate Doxygen executable, this defaults to C:\Program Files\doxygen\bin
10. Click on the Doxygen button to generate the documentation. Doxygen will run and the generated
documentation will open in a new window.
To do:  Reconfigure the project using Atmel START.
11. Click on the Reconfigure button or right-click on the project node in the Solution Explorer, and, from
the menu, select Reconfigure Atmel Start Project.
12. Atmel Start will open in a window inside Atmel Studio.
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Figure 1-4. Reconfigure START Project and Doxygen Buttons
13. Do the necessary changes to the project. Click the GENERATE PROJECT button at the bottom of
the Atmel Start window.
1.7 Creating a New Project
This section will outline the process of creating a new Atmel Studio project.
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Video: Create New Project
To do:  Create a new bare-metal GCC C Executable project for the AVR ATtiny817 device.
1. Open Atmel Studio.
2. In Atmel Studio, go to File → New → Project as depicted in Figure 1-5.
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Figure 1-5. Creating a New Project in Atmel Studio
3. The project generation wizard will appear. This dialog provides the option to specify the
programming language and project template to be used. This project will use C, so make sure C/C+
+ is selected in the upper left corner. Select the GCC C Executable Project option from the
template list to generate a bare-bones executable project. Give the project a Name and click OK.
See Figure 1-6.
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Figure 1-6. New Project Programming Language and Template Selection
Tip:  All Atmel Studio projects belong to a solution, and by default, Atmel studio will use
the same name for both the newly created solution and the project. The solution name
field can be used to manually specify the solution name.
Tip:  The create directory for solution check-box is checked by default. When this box is
ticked, Atmel Studio will generate a new folder with the specified solution name at the
location specified by the Location field.
About Project Types
Table 1-1. Project Types
Category Project templates Description
C/C++ GCC C ASF Board
Select this template to create an AVR 8-bit or AVR/ARM 32-bit
ASF3 Board project. Choose between the different boards
supported by ASF3.
C/C++ GCC C Executable
Select this template to create an AVR 8-bit or AVR/ARM 32-bit
GCC project.
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Category Project templates Description
C/C++ GCC C Static Library
Select this template to create an AVR 8-bit or AVR/ARM 32-bit
GCC static library(LIB) project. This pre-compiled library (.a) can
be used to link to other projects (closed source) or referenced from
applications that need the same functionality (code reuse).
C/C++ GCC C++ Executable
Select this template to create an AVR 8-bit or AVR/ARM 32-bit C++
C/C++ GCC C++ Static
Library Project
Select this template to create an AVR 8-bit or AVR/ARM 32-bit C++
static library (LIB) project. This pre-compiled library (.a) can be
used to link to other projects (closed source) or referenced from
applications that need the same functionality (code reuse).
Assembler Assembler Project Select this template to create an AVR 8-bit Assembler project.
Category Project Templates Description
Attention:  This table only lists the default project types. Other project types may be
added by extensions.
4. Next, it is necessary to specify which device the project will be developed for. A list of devices will
be presented in the Device Selection dialog, which can be scrolled through, as depicted in Figure
1-7. It is possible to narrow the search by using the Device Family drop-down menu or by using the
search box. This project will be developed for the ATtiny817 AVR device, so enter "817" in the
search box in the top right corner. Select the ATtiny817 entry in the device list and confirm the
device selection by clicking OK.
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Figure 1-7. New Project Device Selection
Tip:  A search for "tiny" will provide a list of all supported ATtiny devices. A search for
"mega" will provide a list of all supported ATmega devices. Tools → Device Pack
Manager can be used to install support for additional devices.
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Result:  A new GCC C Executable project has now been created for the AVR ATtiny817
device. The Solution Explorer will list the contents of the newly generated solution, as depicted
in Figure 1-8. If not already open, it can be accessed through View → Solution Explorer or by
pressing Ctrl+Alt+L.
Figure 1-8. Solution Explorer
1.8 Creating From Arduino Sketch
This section will outline the process of creating a new Atmel Studio project from an Arduino Sketch.
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Video: Create from Arduino Sketch
To do:  Create a new project from an Arduino Sketch.
1.9 In-System Programming and Kit Connection
This video gives an overview of the Device Programming dialog box, to check the kit connection. The
ATtiny817 Xplained Pro kit has an on-board embedded debugger (EDBG) which eliminates the need for a
dedicated programmer/debugger. This section will also go through the process of associating the EDBG
with your project.
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Video: Kit Connection and In-System Programming
To do:  Associate the EDBG on your ATtiny817 Xplained Pro kit with your project.
1. Connect the ATtiny817 Xplained Pro board to the computer using the provided Micro-USB cable.
The kit page should be present in Atmel Studio as in the figure below.
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Figure 1-9. ATtiny817 Xplained Pro Start Page
1.1. There are links to documentation for the board and data sheet for the device.
1.2. It is possible to create an Atmel START project for the board. Clicking on the Atmel START
links project links will bring you into Atmel START where you get options for this specific
2. Opening the Programming Dialog by Tools → Device Programming.
2.1. Select EDBG Tool and assure that Device = ATtiny817, then you may read Device
Signature and Target Voltage.
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2.2. Interface settings: You may see and change the interface clock frequency.
2.3. Tool information: Shows information about the EDBG tool.
2.4. Device information: Shows information about the device. Note that you can also see the
silicon revision of the device. This may be useful in customer support cases.
2.5. Memories: May program the flash, EEPROM, and user signature separately from the files.
2.6. Fuses: Read and set fuses, for instance, oscillator frequency (16 or 20 MHz), brown-out
voltage detection etc.
2.7. Lock bits: Lock memory.
2.8. Production file: Program the device using a production file to program flash, EEPROM, and
user signatures.
2.9. Note that AVR has flash in the HEX file and EEPROM in the EEP files, while PIC has
everything, even fuses, in a HEX file.
2.10. For instance, SAML21J devices don't have EEPROM (may be emulated in flash). It also
has a security bit option to lock the device.
3. Create a new project by selecting File → New project, select for instance C executable project,
select the device by filtering on the device name. Different project types are discussed in another
Getting Started video.
4. If a project is selected, click the Tool button located in the top menu bar to open the tool dialog as
indicated in the figure below.
Figure 1-10. Tool Button
5. The Tool tab of the Project Properties will open. In the drop-down menu, select the EDBG tool, as
indicated in the figure below. The interface should automatically initiate to UPDI (Unified
Programming Debugging Interface).
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Figure 1-11. Select Debugger/Programmer in Project Properties
Tip:  The serial number of the tool will accompany its name in the drop-down menu. This
serial number is printed on the backside of each tool, allowing differentiation when more
than one is connected.
Tip:  These steps can always be repeated if a different tool should be used for the next debug/
program session.
On the ATtiny817 Xplained Pro, the EDBG is permanently connected to the target MCU, but for
a custom hardware solution it is necessary to ensure the target device is powered and properly
connected before a debug session can be launched.
Result:  The tool to be used by Atmel Studio when a debug/programming session is launched,
has now been specified.
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1.9.1 Settings Verification
This section is a guide to verifying the tool and project configuration setup by compiling the empty project
and writing it to the ATtiny817.
To do:  Verify the tool and project configuration setup done in the previous sections.
1. Click the Start Without Debugging button located in the Debug menu, as shown in the figure
below. This will compile the project and write it to the specified target MCU using the configured
Figure 1-12. Start Without Debugging
2. When Atmel Studio 7 builds the project (automatically done when pressing Start Without
Debugging), several generated output files will show up in the Solution Explorer window. The
following output files are generated:
2.1. EEP file: EEPROM content written to the device.
2.2. ELF file: Contains everything written to the device, including program, EEPROM, and
2.3. HEX file: Flash content written to the device.
2.4. LSS file: Disassembled ELF file.
2.5. MAP file: Linker info, what did the linker do, decisions about where to put things.
2.6. SREC file: Same as HEX but in Motorola format.
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Info:  If there is new firmware available for the selected tool, the Firmware Upgrade dialog will
appear, as depicted in Figure 1-13. Click the Upgrade button to start the firmware upgrade.
Figure 1-13. Firmware Upgrade Dialog
Depending on the state of the connected tool and the actual firmware upgrade, the upgrade
may fail on the first attempt. This is normal and can be resolved by disconnecting and
reconnecting the kit before clicking Upgrade again. After the upgrade has completed, the dialog
should say "EDBG Firmware Successfully Upgraded". Close the dialog box and make a new
attempt at programming the kit by clicking the Start Without Debugging button again.
Result:  By compiling the empty project and writing it to the ATtiny817 the following has been
The project is configured for the correct MCU
The correct tool has been selected
The tool's firmware is up-to-date
Under View > Available Tools you are able to see a list of available or recently used Tools. Here you can
specifically ask Atmel Studio 7 to upgrade the firmware for a tool.
Figure 1-14. Atmel Studio 7 Available Tools (on view menu)
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1.10 I/O View and Other Bare-Metal Programming References
This section describes how you would typically write code in Studio 7, independent of a software
configuration tool or framework, i.e. bare-metal. This is covered both as video (linked below) and hands-
on document. The main focus is on each of the relevant programming references, how each is accessed,
and what each is used for. The project context is to turn ON an LED, then blink with a delay. Although the
ATtiny817 Xplained Pro is used the principles are general enough to use with any kit in Studio 7, though
the principles apply to most devices supported in Studio 7.
Getting Started Topics
Video: I/O View and Bare-metal programming references
The list below is an overview of the programming references which are typically used. Particular
emphasis is placed on I/O View, which provides a way to navigate data sheet register descriptions when
editing or debugging, as well as to understand the current configuration when debugging. This second
use of I/O view when debugging is also used to test new register configurations.
This topic is closely related to both Debugging 3: I/O View Memory View and Watch as well as Editor:
Writing and Re-Factoring Code (Visual Assist).
Device data sheet
Data sheet (from I/O view)
Kit user guide and schematics
I/O View (debugging)
Editor (Visual Assist)
Device header files
AVR Libc (AVR specific)
Atmel START: ATtiny817 project
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In the process the following code is written. Although the code is simple, the decision process, using the
list of programming references above, is described.
#include <avr/io.h>
#define F_CPU 3333333
#include <util/delay.h>
int main(void)
while (1)
Be sure to keep the #include <avr/io.h> line at the top of main.c. This header file will
include the correct register map for the selected device, and without this statement, the compiler
will not recognize any of the macros referenced in the code above.
Device Data Sheet (PDF)
Although I/O View allows easy access to navigate the data sheet at a register level, the PDF version still
has a role. The device data sheet, in PDF format, tends to be used at least to get an understanding of the
peripheral, through the block diagram and functional description. For example, to understand the
PORT peripheral of the ATtiny817, we consulted the PORT Block Diagram and Functional Description >
Principle of operation sections of the data sheet. These two sections together, connecting the description
to the diagram, give a basic understanding of the PORT peripheral.
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Figure 1-15. PORT Block Diagram from the PDF Data Sheet
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Figure 1-16. Principle of Operation from the PDF Data Sheet of ATtiny817
Note:  We used the device data sheet for the peripheral block diagram, as well as a description of the
PORT DIR and OUT registers.
I/O View Data Sheet
Studio 7 allows to easily access the data sheet register descriptions by clicking F1 on the relevant
register description. The HTML version of the data sheet opens online (by default). The data sheet will
open in the context of the relevant register description.
Note:  In this way we use the Data sheet from I/O View to understand that:
1. Writing a '1' to PORT.DIR[n] configures and enables pin n as an output pin.
2. If OUT[n] is written to '0', pin n is driven low.
Figure 1-17. Opening an Online Data Sheet from I/O View
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I/O View (Debugging)
This functionality can directly be tested by starting a debug session, using Start Debugging and Break. So
we are now able to begin testing functionality, as shown in the image below.
I/O View is covered in more detail in Debugging 3: I/O View Memory View and Watch.
Note:  I/O View when debugging is used to:
1. Verify that writing a '1' to PORT.DIR4, sets pin as OUTPUT, LOW by default to LED turns ON.
2. Verify that writing a '1' to PORT.OUT4, turns OFF the LED.
Table 1-2. Atmel Studio Button Functionality (Programming and Launching Debug Sessions)
Button Functionality Keyboard Shortcut
Start Debugging and Break Alt + F5
Attach to Target
Start Debugging F5
Break All Ctrl + Alt + Break
Start Without Debugging Ctrl + F5
Figure 1-18. Turning ON/OFF Kit LEDs Through Manipulating I/O View Registers when Debugging
Downloading Studio 7 Documentation
The data sheet can also be downloaded by using the Studio 7 help system. In this case, a similar
functionality will work offline. This is described here: Downloading Offline Documentation.
Atmel Studio 7 Editor (Visual Assist)
The Studio 7 Editor, powered by Visual Assist has powerful features to help you write and refactor code,
as well as easily navigate large projects. Suggestion functionality is shown in Figure 1-19, while an
overview of the code navigation is shown in Figure 1-20. In the next section, Editor: Writing and Re-
Factoring Code (Visual Assist), the editor features are covered in more detail.
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Figure 1-19. Suggestion Functionality in the Studio 7 Editor for Writing Code
Figure 1-20. Atmel Studio 7 Editor Navigation Overview
Specifically in the video related to this section, the editor is used for the following.
Device Header Files
Through the Goto Definition functionality of the editor, it is easy to access the MCU device header files,
i.e. by clicking on any register and then clicking on the goto button, or typing Alt+G. Writing PORTB. gives
a suggestion list of potential registers, from the PORT structure, shown in figure Suggestion lists and the
MCU device header files. For more information about how the AVR header files are structured, see
AVR1000 for more information.
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Figure 1-21. Suggestion lists and the MCU device header files
Kit Schematics and User Guide
The kit schematics and user guide are useful to understand the MCU pin connections on the kit. Full
schematics and kit design files, such as Gerbers, are available on, on the kit's
product page.
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Figure 1-22. How to Find Schematics for a Particular Development Board
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The LED and button are connected to the pins as per the table below, from the ATtiny817 Xplained Pro
User Guide.
Table 1-3. ATtiny817 Xplained Pro GPIO Connections
Silkscreen Text ATtiny817 GPIO Pin
The ATtiny817 Xplained Pro design documentation schematic shows the connections for the LED and
button, as in the figure below.
Figure 1-23. ATtiny827 Xplained Pro GPIO Connection Schematics
From the schematics, it is concluded that:
The LED can be turned ON by driving PB4 low.
SW0 is connected directly to GND and to PB5 through a current limiting resistor.
SW0 does not have an external pull-up resistor.
SW0 will be read as '0' when pushed and as '1' when released, if the ATtiny817 internal pull-up is
AVR Libc
All the references covered to this point are just as relevant for SAM as for AVR, however, as the name
suggests, this one is specific to AVR. AVR Libc is a Free Software project whose goal is to provide a high-
quality C library for use with GCC on AVR microcontrollers. Together, avr-binutils, avr-gcc, and avr-libc
form the heart of the Free Software toolchain for the AVR microcontrollers. Further, they are accompanied
by projects for in-system programming software (avrdude), simulation (simulavr), and debugging (avr-
gdb, AVaRICE).
The library reference is usually a quick interface into AVR Libc, as shown in Figure 1-24. One can quickly
search the page for a relevant library. Relevant header files, which should be added to the project, are
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indicated in the module name. For example searching for "interrupts", the relevant include will be #include
<avr/interrupt.h>. Clicking into the module, a list of available functions and relevant interrupt callbacks
can be found, as shown in Figure 1-25.
Figure 1-24. AVR Libc Library Reference
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Figure 1-25. Using Interrupts with AVR Libc
Atmel START is a web-based software configuration tool, for various software frameworks, which helps
you getting started with MCU development. Starting from either a new project or an example project,
Atmel START allows you to select and configure software components (from ASF4 and AVR Code), such
as drivers and middleware to tailor your embedded application in a usable and optimized manner. Once
an optimized software configuration is done, you can download the generated code project and open it in
the IDE of your choice, including Studio 7, IAR Embedded Workbench, Keil μVision, or simply generate a
Although Atmel START is a tool for MCU and software configuration, it can still be useful even in bare-
metal development, i.e. writing code from scratch using the list of programming references described in
this section. Creating a new project for the kit you are using, can be a useful alternative to the board
schematic, using the PINMUX view. In addition, the CLOCKS view can be useful to check the default
clocks of a device. Furthermore, viewing the configuration code, useful pieces can be pasted back into
your project. For example, the AVR Libc delay functions require that the clock frequency is defined, as
shown in Figure 1-28. For the ATtiny817 this default value would be: #define F_CPU 3333333.
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Figure 1-26. Using START to Creating a New Project for a Relevant Board
Figure 1-27. Showing Board Labels in START as an Alternative to the Kit Schematic
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Figure 1-28. Checking Default Clock Configuration and Using VIEW CODE to Find F_CPU Define
1.11 Editor: Writing and Re-Factoring Code (Visual Assist)
The Studio 7 Editor is powered by an extension called Visual Assist, a productivity tool for re-factoring,
reading, writing, and navigating C and C++ code.
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Video: Studio 7 Editor (Visual Assist)
1. Starting with the basic functionality from I/O View and Other Bare-Metal Programming References ,
main.c has the following code:
#include <avr/io.h>
int main(void)
while (1)
The ATtiny817 Xplained Pro design documentation schematic shows the connections for the LED and
button, as in the figure below.
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Figure 1-29. ATtiny827 Xplained Pro GPIO Connection Schematics
From the schematics, it is concluded that:
The LED can be turned ON by driving PB4 low.
SW0 is connected directly to GND and to PB5 through a current limiting resistor.
SW0 does not have an external pull-up resistor.
SW0 will be read as '0' when pushed and as '1' when released, if the ATtiny817 internal pull-up is
1. Enable the pull-up on PORTB5, using suggestion list and enhanced list box. Note that
suggestion lists support acronyms, so typing "pp" PORT_PULLUPEN is the top suggestion.
2. However, before hitting enter, first type "POR", then hit CTRL+SPACE. This will bring up the
Enhanced Listbox with all possible options.
Now it is possible to filter suggestions by type, as indicated in the picture below.
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3. Test if SW0 is pressed, using if( ){...}else{...} visual assist code snippet.
Simply typing "if" will bring up the option. Or, you could R-click and choose Surround With (VA),
which gives a full list of snippets. This is an editable list, so you can add your own snippets.
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4. Test if the switch is pressed, as the if( ){...}else{...} condition, turn the LED ON if pressed and OFF
if not. main.c should now look as follows:
int main(void)
PORTB.DIRSET = PIN4_bm; /* Configure LED Pin as output */
PORTB.PIN5CTRL = PORT_PULLUPEN_bm; /* Enable pull-up for SW0 pin */
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if (!(PORTB.IN & PIN5_bm)) /* Check switch state */
PORTB.OUTCLR = PIN4_bm; /* Turn LED off */
PORTB.OUTSET = PIN4_bm; /* Turn LED on */
5. Verify that LED0 lights up when pushing SW0. Run the code by clicking Start Without
(Ctrl+Alt+F5), to verify that LED0 lights up when pushing SW0 on the ATtiny817
Xplained Pro kit.
Now that the basic functionality is in place, let's refactor the code to make it more readable.
6. Create functions LED_on( ) and LED_off( ) using Refactor → Extract Method The line of code
to turn the LED ON is executed when SW0 is pressed. Highlight this line of code, right-click and go
to it, as indicated in the figure below.
Figure 1-30. Extract Method
A Extract Method dialog will appear. Name the function "LED_on", as indicated in the following
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Figure 1-31. Extract Method Dialog
Click OK, and the code should change. A new function called LED_on() should appear at the top
of the file, with a function call where the line of code used to be. Use the same method to
implement LED_off().
7. Create a variable for SW0 state, using Refactor → Introduce Variable. Next, it is necessary to
create a variable for the SW0 state. Highlight the condition inside the if() in the main()
while(1) loop. Right-click and go to it, as indicated in the figure below.
Figure 1-32. Introduce Variable
The Introduce Variable dialog will appear, as depicted in Figure 1-33. Name the variable "uint8_t
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Figure 1-33. Introduce Variable Dialog
tip:  Change the automatically generated bool return value to uint8_t to avoid having
to include an extra header to deal with Boolean values.
Click OK and the code should change. The condition inside the if() statement should now
reference a variable assigned to the variable on the line above it, as shown in the code block below.
while (1)
uint8_t SW0_state = !(PORTB.IN & PIN5_bm);
if (SW0_state)
8. Create a function SW_get_state, using Refactor → Extract Method. Select the right side of
the SW0_state assignment and extract a method for SW_get_state.
9. Implement a function void LED_set_state(uint8_t state). Extract the method. Atmel
Studio will detect the argument SW0_state, as indicated in Figure 1-34.
Figure 1-34. Extract Method with Argument
Click OK and the code should change. Now, there is a separate method for setting the LED state.
10. In function void LED_set_state(uint8_t state) rename SW0_state to state using Refactor →
Rename. In a larger application, this function may be used for setting the LED state in a context
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that is irrelevant to the SW0 state. Atmel Studio is capable of contextual renaming, so this feature
can be used to easily rename the argument and avoid confusion. Inside the LED_set_state()
function, right-click on the SW0_state variable and go to Refactor → Rename, as indicated in
Figure 1-35.
Figure 1-35. Contextual Rename
The Rename dialog will appear, as depicted in Figure 1-36. Rename the SW0_state variable to
"state". Atmel Studio will detect all occurrences of the variable with the same context as the one
which has been selected, and which are presented in a list and able to be individually selected or
Figure 1-36. Contextual Renaming Dialog
Click Rename and the code should change. Observe that the argument of LED_set_state() and
all of its references inside the function have been renamed, but the references to SW0_state in
main() have remained the same.
11. Create function definitions, moving created functions below main().
main.c should now look as follows:
#include <avr/io.h>
void LED_on(void);
void LED_off(void);
void LED_set_state(uint8_t state);
uint8_t SW_get_state(void);
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int main(void)
PORTB.DIRSET = PIN4_bm; /* Configure LED Pin as output */
PORTB.PIN5CTRL = PORT_PULLUPEN_bm; /* Enable pull-up for SW0 pin */
uint8_t SW0_state = SW_get_state(); /* Read switch state */
LED_set_state(SW0_state); /* Set LED state */
uint8_t SW_get_state(void)
return !(PORTB.IN & PIN5_bm); /* Read switch state */
void LED_off(void)
PORTB.OUTSET = PIN4_bm; /* Turn LED off */
void LED_on(void)
PORTB.OUTCLR = PIN4_bm; /* Turn LED on */
void LED_set_state(uint8_t state)
if (state)
1.12 AVR Simulator Debugging
This section will demonstrate the use of the AVR Simulator key features, such as: Cycle Counter,
Stopwatch (only available in the simulator), and basic debugging (setting breakpoints and stepping
through code). We will also show how to simulate interrupts.
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Video: AVR Simulator Debugging
The code used in the video above was written in the video: Editor: Writing and Re-Factoring Code (Visual
To associate the simulator with the project, click on the Tool icon , then select Simulator.
The Cycle Counter and Stopwatch is only available with the simulator. To use these, first, click Start
Debugging and Break to start a debug session and then open the Processor Status window by
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typing "Processor" into the quick-launch bar and hitting enter (or this can be found under Debug >
Windows > Processor Status). Similarly, the Disassembly window can also be opened.
The AVR Simulator is using models based on the same RTL code used to make the real device. This
makes the Cycle Counter both bug and delay accurately. Note that the Stop Watch is related to the
Frequency, which you can set by double-clicking on the value and entering the clock frequency you
would like to use.
The Cycle Counter can be reset by clicking on the value and entering 0. Values in the Processor Status
window are updated every time the program breaks, similar to the I/O view. Then running to a breakpoint.
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Note the difference in generated assembly code between the SW read-modify-write (above) and the
virtual port registers (see below).
The result of comparing these three methods are summarized in the table below:
Next, we would like to simulate a pin change IRQ. We can do this by setting the relevant IRQ flag in the
I/O view when debugging.
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As shown below the ISR is hit. Note that the INTERRUPT still needs to be enabled, as shown in the write
to PORTB.PIN5CTRL in the code below.
The pin change IRQ could also have been triggered by writing to the Port Input register in the I/O view.
Writing a bit in the Port Input register is the same as applying that value to the physical pin of the device
package. The internal Port logic will then trigger the interrupt if it is configured accordingly.
Most of the standard debugging features of Studio 7 are available when using the simulator, and those
features will also be available on devices that lack on-chip debugging capabilities and cannot be
debugged using hardware debuggers. See the debugging sections of this Getting Started guide.
Code Used to Demonstrate AVR Simulator (Written for ATtiny187)
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
void LED_on();
void LED_off();
bool SW_get_state();
void LED_set_state(bool SW_state);
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int main(void)
PORTB.DIR &= ~PIN4_bm;
while (1)
#pragma region LED_functions
void LED_on()
void LED_off()
void LED_set_state(bool SW_state)
if (SW_state)
#pragma endregion LED_functions
bool SW_get_state()
return !(PORTB.IN & PIN5_bm);
uint8_t intflags = PORTB.INTFLAGS;
PORTB.INTFLAGS = intflags;
bool SW_state = SW_get_state();
1.13 Debugging 1: Break Points, Stepping, and Call Stack
This section will introduce the debugging capabilities of Studio 7, both as video (linked below) and hands-
on document. The main topics are breakpoints, basic code stepping using the Breakpoint, and Callstack-
Windows, as well as adjusting project compiler optimization settings.
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Video: Studio 7 Debugging-1
The same code as the one created in section Editor: Writing and Re-Factoring Code (Visual Assist), is
To do:  Place a breakpoint and inspect a list of all breakpoints in the project.
1. Set a breakpoint on the line getting the switch state, as indicated in Figure 1-37.
Figure 1-37. Placing a Breakpoint
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Info:  A breakpoint can be placed at a line of code by:
Clicking the gray bar on the left edge of the editor window.
In the top menu bar, go to Debug → Toggle Breakpoint.
By pressing F9 on the keyboard.
2. Launch a debug session . The breakpoint will be hit when the switch (SW0) on the Xplained Pro
kit is pressed. Observe that execution is halted when the breakpoint is hit, and the execution arrow
indicates that the line of code where the breakpoint is placed is about to execute. See Figure 1-38.
Figure 1-38. Execution Halting when a Breakpoint is Hit
tip:  If a breakpoint is hit in a file that is not currently open, Atmel Studio will open the file
in a temporary pane. A file containing a breakpoint that is hit in a debug session will
always be brought to focus.
3. Since most of the logic of the program is handled only when an ISR is processed, it is now possible
to check the logical flow of the program. If the switch is pressed and then released when the ISR is
hit - what will be the state of the switch that the function returns? The assumption is that since
pressing the switch triggered the interrupt, that switch will be set as pressed, and the LED will thus
be turned ON.
Code stepping can be used to check this assumption. The key buttons used for code stepping are
illustrated in the table below, found in the top menu bar or in the Debug menu. The corresponding
functionality and keyboard shortcuts are outlined in the figure below.
Figure 1-39. Atmel Studio Buttons for Code Stepping
Table 1-4. Atmel Studio Button Functionality (Code Stepping)
Button Functionality Keyboard Shortcut
Step Into Function Call F11
Step Over F10
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Button Functionality Keyboard Shortcut
Step Out of Function Call Shift + F11
Run to Cursor Ctrl + F10
Issue System Reset
To do:  Find out what state is returned if the switch is pressed and then released when
the ISR is hit. Is our assumption correct that since pressing the switch triggered the
interrupt, it will be set as pressed, and the LED will thus be turned ON?
The Step Into Function Call can be used first. To go into the SW_get_state( ) function, the Step Out of
Function Call
can be used to move to the next line after returning from the function. Pressing Step
Over from the breakpoint would land us at this same point directly. Note that we could step further into
the function LED_set_state(SW_state) to determine if the LED is turned ON or not. However, we could
simply hover the mouse pointer over the SW_state variable to see that it is now set to 0, i.e. the LED will
be turned OFF. Verify this by stepping further.
Figure 1-40. Checking Value of SW_state Using Mouse Hover
Info:  Although the breakpoint was triggered by the falling edge by pressing the switch, only
when calling the SW_get_state( ) function the switch state is recorded. Verify that SW_state will
read 1 if the switch is held down when stepping over this line.
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1. A window or view to keep track of the breakpoints in a program is needed. The Quick Launch bar
performs a search of the Studio 7 user interface menus. This is demonstrated below, by comparing
the two figures Figure 1-41, and Figure 1-42. Note that each of the hits in the Quick Launch bar are
from "break" related entries in the Debug menu.
Figure 1-41. "Break" Search in the Quick Launch Bar
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Figure 1-42. "Break" Hits in Debug Menu
Open the Breakpoints Window by clicking on the top result (Debug → Windows → Breakpoints).
The Breakpoints Window lists all the breakpoints in the project, along with the current hit count, as
depicted in Figure 1-43.
tip:  A breakpoint can be temporarily disabled by unchecking the checkbox next to a
breakpoint in the list.
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tip:  The Disassembly view can be conveniently displayed alongside the source code, as
demonstrated in the Figure 1-44 section.
Figure 1-43. Breakpoints Window
Figure 1-44. Disassembly View
To do:  Examine the Call Stack and the effect on it when optimizations are disabled.
1. Following from the previous section, set a breakpoint on the LED_on() function, then trigger the
breakpoint so that it is hit.
2. Open the Call Stack window by typing "Call" in the Quick Launch bar, selecting Debug →
Windows → Call Stack, as represented in Figure 1-45.
Note:  A debug session needs to be active to open this window.
Figure 1-45. Open the Call Stack Window
3. It would be expected that the Call Stack shows LED_set_state() as the caller of LED_on(),
since that's how the code is written. However, in the Call Stack window, _vector_4 is listed as the
caller (as in Figure 1-46); this is because of compiler optimization.
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Figure 1-46. Call Stack with Optimization
Info:  The call order is different because of the compiler optimization. This code is
relatively simple to follow and it is possible to understand what is going on even though
the compiler has optimized and made subtle changes to what is expected. In a more
complex project, it can sometimes be helpful to disable the compiler optimization to track
down a bug.
Note:  To see why the Call Stack shows that it comes from _vector_4 initially, click on
PORTB_PORT_vect and look in the context field for the definition, as shown in Figure 1-47.
Figure 1-47. __vector_4 is the PORTB ISR Vector
4. Stop debugging by clicking the Stop Debugging button or pressing Shift + F5.
5. Open the project settings by going to Project → <project_name> properties or pressing Alt + F7.
Go to the Toolchain tab on the left menu, as in Figure 1-48.
6. Under AVR/GNU C Compiler → Optimization, set the Optimization Level to None (-O0) using
the drop-down menu.
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Figure 1-48. Disabling Compiler Optimizations
Disabling compiler optimization will result in increased memory consumption and can
result in changes in execution timing. This can be important to consider when debugging
time is a critical code.
7. Launch a new debug session and break code execution inside LED_on().
8. Observe the Call Stack. It should now adhere to how the code is actually written and list
LED_set_state() as the caller of LED_on(), as in Figure 1-49.
Figure 1-49. Call Stack Without Optimization
tip:  Atmel Studio will try to link the compiled code to the source-code as best it can, but the
compiler optimization can make this challenging. Disabling compiler optimization can help if
breakpoints seem to be ignored during debugging, or if the execution flow is hard to follow
during code stepping.
Result:  The call stack has now been examined both with and without optimization enabled.
Code used for Debugging 1
LED is turned on when switch is pressed, LED is turned on (via a pin change interrupt).
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MY_mistake() written to demonstrate Attach to Target, is commented out, to avoid hanging
project unintentionally.
From the schematics, it is concluded that:
The LED can be turned on by driving PB4 low.
SW0 is connected directly to GND and to PB5 through a current limiting resistor.
SW0 does not have an external pull-up resistor.
SW0 will be read as '0' when pushed and as '1' when released, if the ATtiny817 internal pull-
up is enabled.
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
void LED_on();
void LED_off();
bool SW_get_state();
void LED_set_state(bool SW_state);
int main(void)
while (1)
#pragma region LED_functions
void LED_on()
void LED_off()
void LED_set_state(bool SW_state)
if (SW_state)
#pragma endregion LED_functions
bool SW_get_state()
return !(PORTB.IN & PIN5_bm);
void My_mistake()
uint8_t intflags = PORTB.INTFLAGS;
PORTB.INTFLAGS = intflags;
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bool SW_state = SW_get_state();
1.14 Debugging 2: Conditional- and Action-Breakpoints
This section covers more advanced debugging topics with Studio 7 both as video (linked below) and
hands-on document. The main topics are how to modify variables in the code, conditional- and action-
breakpoints, as well as memory view.
Getting Started Topics
Video: Debugging - 2
To do:  Use Atmel Studio to inspect and modify the contents of variables in the code.
1. The code (see below) used is the same as the one developed in section Editor: Writing and Re-
Factoring Code (Visual Assist). The SW_get_state() function has just been replaced with the
following code (note also the change in return value type):
uint8_t SW_get_state(void)
static uint8_t SW0_prv_state = 0;
static uint8_t SW0_edge_count = 0;
uint8_t SW0_cur_state = !(PORTB.IN & PIN5_bm); /* Read the current SW0 state */
if (SW0_cur_state != SW0_prv_state) /* Check for edges */
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SW0_prv_state = SW0_cur_state; /* Keep track of previous state */
* Report the switch as pushed when it is pushed or the edge counter is a
* multiple of 3
return SW0_cur_state || !(SW0_edge_count % 3);
Info:  This code will count how many times the SW0 push button has been pressed or
released. The return statement has also been modified to always report the button as
pushed if the SW0_edge_count variable is a multiple of three.
2. Go to Debug → Disable All Breakpoints to disable all breakpoints. This should be reflected by all
the checkboxes becoming unchecked in the Breakpoints window.
3. Launch a new debug session by clicking the Start Debugging button
4. Push SW0 on the kit several times and observe how the changes to the code have affected the
LED's behavior.
5. Break execution by placing a breakpoint at the return line of the SW_get_state function.
6. Hover over the SW0_edge_count variable to observe the current value, as indicated in Figure
Figure 1-50. Hover Over Variable to See Current Value
Info:  When the cursor hovers over a variable that is in scope at the point where
execution is halted, Atmel Studio will present the content of the variable in a pop-up.
7. Right-click the SW0_edge_count variable and select Add Watch from the context menu to add the
variable to the data Watch window. The Watch window should appear, with the SW0_edge_count
variable listed, with the variable value, data type, and memory address, as in Figure 1-51.
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Figure 1-51. Add Variable to Watch Window
8. Modify the contents of a Watch Window variable, using the process described below. Assign the
value '3' to the SW0_edge_count variable. The value will reflect as updated by turning red, as
indicated in Figure 1-52.
Double-click a variable value in the Watch window
Type in the desired new value of the variable
Press Enter to confirm
Figure 1-52. Newly Updated Variable Value in the Watch Window
Info:  The Value column in the Watch window can be displayed in hex by right-clicking in
the Watch window and selecting Hexadecimal Display from the context menu.
9. To have the device evaluate the new value of SW0_edge_count, disable all breakpoints and
continue the debug session by clicking
or pressing F5. Observe how the LED stays ON as a
result of the change made to SW0_edge_count.
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A variable can also be added to the Watch window by clicking on an empty field name and
typing the variable name. This way, it is even possible to cast a variable to a different data type
for better readability in the Watch window. This is especially useful if it is required to look at an
array that is passed to a function as a pointer.
For example, if an array is passed to a function, it will be passed to the function as a pointer.
This makes it impossible for Atmel Studio to know the length of the array. If the length of the
array is known, and it needs to be examined in the Watch window, the pointer can be cast to an
array using the following cast:
*(uint8_t (*)[<n>])<name_of_array_pointer>
Where <n> is the number of elements in the array and <name_of_array_pointer> is the
name of the array to be examined.
This can be tested on the SW0_edge_count variable by entering the following in an empty
name field in the Watch window:
*(uint8_t (*)[5])&SW0_edge_count
Note that the '&' symbol must be used in this case to obtain a pointer to the variable.
Result:  Atmel Studio has now been used to inspect and modify the contents of variables in the
1.14.1 Conditional Breakpoints
This section is a guide to using Atmel Studio to place conditional breakpoints.
Conditional breakpoints are those which will only halt code execution if a specified condition is met, and
can be useful if it is required to break if certain variables have given values. Conditional breakpoints can
also be used to halt code execution according to the number of times a breakpoint has been hit.
To do:  Place a conditional breakpoint inside SW_get_state() to halt execution for
debugging at every 5th edge count, but only if the edge was rising, and check its functionality.
1. Clear all breakpoints from the project using the Breakpoints window.
2. Place a breakpoint at the return line of SW_get_state(), as in Figure 1-53.
3. Right-click the breakpoint and select Conditions... from the context menu.
4. Enter the following in the condition textbox:
((SW0_edge_count % 5) == 0) && SW0_cur_state
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Figure 1-53. Conditional Breakpoint Expression Example
5. Press Enter to confirm the break condition.
6. Continue/Start a new debug session by clicking the button or pressing F5.
7. Push SW0 on the kit several times and observe how code execution is halted when the condition is
8. Verify that the condition is met by double-checking the variable values in the Watch window.
Even though code execution is completely halted only if the specified break condition is met,
Atmel Studio temporarily breaks code execution each time the breakpoint is hit to read the
variable content and determine if the break condition is met. Conditional breakpoints will,
therefore, have an impact on execution timing, even if the actual break condition is never met.
tip:  Use the Hit Count condition if execution needs to break based on how many times a
breakpoint has been hit.
Result:  Atmel Studio has been used to halt execution when the specified break condition is
1.14.2 Action Breakpoints
This section is a guide to using Atmel Studio to place action breakpoints.
Action breakpoints can be useful if variable contents or execution flow needs to be logged without having
to halt code execution and manually record the required data.
To do:  Place an action breakpoint to log SW0_cur_state, SW0_prv_state and
SW0_edge_count, and check the output for the relevant variable states.
1. Stop the ongoing debug session and clear all the breakpoints from the Breakpoints window.
2. Place a breakpoint at the SW0_prv_state = SW0_cur_state; line, as in Figure 1-54.
3. Right-click the breakpoint and select Actions... from the context menu.
4. Enter the following in the output message text box:
Prv state:{SW0_prv_state}, Cur_state:{SW0_cur_state}, Edge count:{SW0_edge_count}
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Figure 1-54. Action Breakpoint Example
5. Press Enter to confirm.
6. Start a debug session.
7. Open the Debug Output window by going to Debug → Windows → Output. It should list the
variable contents as in Figure 1-55. If SW0 is pushed on the kit, the content is updated.
Figure 1-55. Debug Output Window Showing Variable Contents
When using action breakpoints, Atmel Studio will temporarily halt code execution in order to
read out variable content. As a result, execution timing will be affected. A less intrusive
approach would be to place the action breakpoint at the SW0_edge_count++ line, which is
only executed upon SW0 edge detection. This will cause a temporary halt only when SW0 is
pressed, but will also cause the debug window output to be delayed by one line of code.
tip:  Action and Conditional breakpoints can be used together in order to log data only if a
condition is satisfied.
Result:  Atmel Studio has been used to log variable data using an action breakpoint.
1.14.3 Code used (for ATtiny817 Xplained Pro)
Code used for conditional- and action-breakpoints.
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
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void LED_on();
void LED_off();
uint8_t SW_get_state();
void LED_set_state(uint8_t SW_state);
int main(void)
while (1)
#pragma region LED_functions
void LED_on()
void LED_off()
void LED_set_state(uint8_t SW_state)
if (SW_state)
#pragma endregion LED_functions
uint8_t SW_get_state(void)
static uint8_t SW0_prv_state = 0;
static uint8_t SW0_edge_count = 0;
uint8_t SW0_cur_state = !(PORTB.IN & PIN5_bm); /* Read the current SW0 state */
if (SW0_cur_state != SW0_prv_state) /* Check for edges */
SW0_prv_state = SW0_cur_state; /* Keep track of previous state */
* Report the switch as pushed when it is pushed or the edge counter is a
* multiple of 3
return SW0_cur_state || !(SW0_edge_count % 3);
uint8_t intflags = PORTB.INTFLAGS;
PORTB.INTFLAGS = intflags;
uint8_t SW_state = SW_get_state();
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1.15 Debugging 3: I/O View Memory View and Watch
This section covers more advanced debugging topics with Studio 7 both as video (linked below) and
hands-on document. The main topics are using I/O View to work with Configuration Change Protected
(CCP) registers, Memory View to validate EEPROM writes, as well as using the Watch window to cast
pointers as an array.
Getting Started Topics
Video: Debugging - 3
1.15.1 I/O View
The I/O view provides a graphical view of the I/O memory map of the device associated with the active
project. This debug tool will display the actual register content when debugging, allowing verification of
peripheral configurations. It can also be used to modify the content of a register without having to
To do:  Use I/O view to:
Get an overview of the device memory map.
Check current peripheral configurations.
Modify peripheral configurations.
Validate configuration changes.
1. Remove all breakpoints and start a new debug session.
2. Break code execution by pressing the Break All button .
3. Open the I/O view from the top menu bar by going to Debug → Windows → I/O.
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4. Scroll through the list of peripherals and select I/O Ports (PORTB). Find the OUT register and click
on Bit 4 in the Bits column, so the corresponding square changes color, as depicted in Figure 1-56.
Observe that clicking Bit 4 in the PORTB.OUT register toggles the output level on GPIO pin PB4,
which controls the LED on the ATtiny817 Xplained Pro.
Figure 1-56. Manipulate Bit Value in Register Using I/O View
Info:  The I/O view is refreshed after any register has been modified, and all detected
changes are highlighted in red.
tip:  Multiple bits can be modified simultaneously by double-clicking the value field and
typing in the desired value to be assigned to the register.
5. Expand the Clock controller (CLKCTRL) in the I/O view, and answer the following questions:
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What is the currently selected clock source (Clock select)?
What is the configured prescaler value (Prescaler division)?
Is the main clock prescaler enabled (MCLKCTRLB.PEN)?
Result:  The Clock controller should be configured with the ATtiny817 default clock
settings; the main clock is running from the internal RC oscillator with prescaler enabled
and a division factor of six.
Info:  The default clock configuration guarantees that the device will execute code
reliably over the entire supported operating voltage range, 1.8V to 5.5V. The Xplained Pro
kit powers the ATtiny817 at 3.3V. According to the “General Operating Ratings” section in
the device data sheet, the device can be safely run at 10 MHz with a 3.3V supply.
6. The code will now be changed to run the ATtiny817 at 10 MHz. Modify the start of main() as
int main(void)
* Set the Main clock division factor to 2X,
* and keep the Main clock prescaler enabled.
7. Start a new debug session in order to recompile the project and program the device.
8. Halt code execution by clicking . Examine the clock settings in I/O view, depicted in Figure 1-57.
Figure 1-57. Clock Settings in I/O View Remain Unchanged
Result:  There is a problem! The prescaler remains unchanged.
9. Select the MCLKCTRLB register in I/O view, as indicated in Figure 1-58.
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Figure 1-58. Select MCLKCTRLB in I/O View
10. Push F1 on the keyboard to bring up a web-based register description.
Info:  Internet access is required to use the web-based register description. Refer to an
offline version of the ATtiny817 data sheet if internet access is not available.
11. Find out if any access restrictions apply to the MCLKCTRLB register.
Result:  The register is protected by the Configuration Change Protection (CCP)
mechanism. Critical registers are configuration change protected to prevent unintended
changes. These registers can only be modified if the correct unlock sequence is followed,
as described in the data sheet.
12. Replace the line of code which was just added with the following:
Info:  _PROTECTED_WRITE() is an assembly macro that guarantees timing
requirements for unlocking protected registers are met. It is recommended to use this
macro when modifying protected registers.
tip:  Right-click the macro name in the code and select Goto Implementation to
navigate to the implementation of the macro. This is also possible by placing the cursor at
the macro name in the code and pressing Alt+G on the keyboard. The same process can
also be used for variable declarations and function implementations.
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13. Stop the previous debug session and launch a new session to program the device with the
14. Break code execution and use the I/O view to verify that the prescaler is now successfully set to
2X, as indicated in Figure 1-59.
Figure 1-59. Clock Settings in I/O View Changed Successfully
tip:  The Processor Status window is the register view tool for the AVR Core. This tool can be
opened from the top menu bar by going to Debug → Windows → Processor Status. This
window will provide a detailed view of the status of the internal AVR Core registers. This view
can be used to check if global interrupts are enabled; look for the I-bit in the status register.
Result:  The capabilities of the I/O view have been used to find and fix a bug in the project.
1.15.2 Memory View
To do:  Write two strings to the beginning of the ATtiny817 EEPROM and use Memory view to
verify the EEPROM contents.
1. Add #include <avr/eeprom.h> after the #include <avr/io.h> line.
2. Add the following code before the while(1) loop in main():
uint8_t hello[] = "Hello World";
eeprom_write_block(hello, (void *)0, sizeof(hello));
uint8_t hi[] = "AVR says hi";
eeprom_write_block(hi, (void *)0, sizeof(hi));
3. Place a breakpoint next to the first call to eeprom_write_block() as in Figure 1-60.
Figure 1-60. Breakpoint to Halt for Checking EEPROM
4. Start a new debug session in order to program the device with the updated code.
5. After the breakpoint has been hit, open the memory window from the top menu bar by going to
Debug → Windows → Memory → Memory 1. Look at the current content of the EEPROM.
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6. Push F10 on the keyboard to step over the eeprom_write_block() call and verify the EEPROM
7. Allow the ATtiny817 to execute the next EEPROM write before verifying the write using the Memory
view. The view should appear as in Figure 1-61 at each interval respectively.
Figure 1-61. Memory View Updating After EEPROM Writes
tip:  The Memory view tool can also be used to investigate the contents of other AVR
memory sections, including the program memory. This can be useful when debugging
Result:  The content of the EEPROM is updated after each call to eeprom_write_block().
The updated content is highlighted in red, and the ASCII interpretation of the EEPROM content
matches the written strings. Therefore, the contents of EEPROM after writing to it have been
verified using Memory view.
1.15.3 Watch Window
This is covered in more detail in section Debugging 2: Conditional- and Action-Breakpoints , however, the
note on how to cast pointers as an array in the Watch window is repeated here.
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Info:  A variable can also be added to the Watch window by clicking on an empty field name
and typing the variable name. This way, it is even possible to cast a variable to a different data
type for better readability in the Watch window. This is especially useful if it is required to look at
an array that is passed to a function as a pointer.
For example, if an array is passed to a function, it will be passed to the function as a pointer.
This makes it impossible for Atmel Studio to know the length of the array. If the length of the
array is known, and it needs to be examined in the Watch window, the pointer can be cast to an
array using the following cast:
*(uint8_t (*)[<n>])<name_of_array_pointer>
Where <n> is the number of elements in the array and <name_of_array_pointer> is the
name of the array to be examined.
This can be tested on the SW0_edge_count variable by entering the following in an empty
name field in the Watch window:
*(uint8_t (*)[5])&SW0_edge_count
Note that the '&' symbol must be used in this case to obtain a pointer to the variable.
Result:  Atmel Studio has now been used to inspect and modify the contents of variables in the
Code used for Debugging 3
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/eeprom.h>
void LED_on(void);
void LED_off(void);
void LED_set_state(uint8_t state);
uint8_t SW_get_state(void);
uint8_t SW_get_state_logic(void);
int main(void)
PORTB.DIRSET = PIN4_bm; /* Configure LED Pin as output */
PORTB.PIN5CTRL = PORT_PULLUPEN_bm; /* Enable pull-up for SW0 pin */
uint8_t Hello[] = "Hello World!";
uint8_t Hi[] = "AVR says hi!";
uint8_t SW0_state = SW_get_state_logic(); /* Read switch state */
LED_set_state(SW0_state); /* Set LED state */
void save(const uint8_t* to_save, uint8_t size)
uint8_t SW_get_state()
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return !(PORTB.IN & PIN5_bm);
uint8_t SW_get_state_logic(void)
static uint8_t SW0_prv_state = 0;
static uint8_t SW0_edge_count = 0;
uint8_t SW0_cur_state = !(PORTB.IN & PIN5_bm); /* Read the current SW0 state */
if (SW0_cur_state != SW0_prv_state) /* Check for edges */
SW0_prv_state = SW0_cur_state; /* Keep track of previous state */
* Report the switch as pushed when it is pushed or the edge counter is a
* multiple of 3
return SW0_cur_state || !(SW0_edge_count % 3);
void LED_off(void)
PORTB.OUTSET = PIN4_bm; /* Turn LED off */
void LED_on(void)
PORTB.OUTCLR = PIN4_bm; /* Turn LED on */
void LED_set_state(uint8_t state)
if (state)
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2. Revision History
Doc. Rev. Date Comments
A 01/2018 Initial document release.
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Tel: 86-29-8833-7252
China - Xiamen
Tel: 86-592-2388138
China - Zhuhai
Tel: 86-756-3210040
India - Bangalore
Tel: 91-80-3090-4444
India - New Delhi
Tel: 91-11-4160-8631
India - Pune
Tel: 91-20-4121-0141
Japan - Osaka
Tel: 81-6-6152-7160
Japan - Tokyo
Tel: 81-3-6880- 3770
Korea - Daegu
Tel: 82-53-744-4301
Korea - Seoul
Tel: 82-2-554-7200
Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 60-3-7651-7906
Malaysia - Penang
Tel: 60-4-227-8870
Philippines - Manila
Tel: 63-2-634-9065
Tel: 65-6334-8870
Taiwan - Hsin Chu
Tel: 886-3-577-8366
Taiwan - Kaohsiung
Tel: 886-7-213-7830
Taiwan - Taipei
Tel: 886-2-2508-8600
Thailand - Bangkok
Tel: 66-2-694-1351
Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh
Tel: 84-28-5448-2100
Austria - Wels
Tel: 43-7242-2244-39
Fax: 43-7242-2244-393
Denmark - Copenhagen
Tel: 45-4450-2828
Fax: 45-4485-2829
Finland - Espoo
Tel: 358-9-4520-820
France - Paris
Tel: 33-1-69-53-63-20
Fax: 33-1-69-30-90-79
Germany - Garching
Tel: 49-8931-9700
Germany - Haan
Tel: 49-2129-3766400
Germany - Heilbronn
Tel: 49-7131-67-3636
Germany - Karlsruhe
Tel: 49-721-625370
Germany - Munich
Tel: 49-89-627-144-0
Fax: 49-89-627-144-44
Germany - Rosenheim
Tel: 49-8031-354-560
Israel - Ra’anana
Tel: 972-9-744-7705
Italy - Milan
Tel: 39-0331-742611
Fax: 39-0331-466781
Italy - Padova
Tel: 39-049-7625286
Netherlands - Drunen
Tel: 31-416-690399
Fax: 31-416-690340
Norway - Trondheim
Tel: 47-7289-7561
Poland - Warsaw
Tel: 48-22-3325737
Romania - Bucharest
Tel: 40-21-407-87-50
Spain - Madrid
Tel: 34-91-708-08-90
Fax: 34-91-708-08-91
Sweden - Gothenberg
Tel: 46-31-704-60-40
Sweden - Stockholm
Tel: 46-8-5090-4654
UK - Wokingham
Tel: 44-118-921-5800
Fax: 44-118-921-5820
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