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Table of Contents
Welcome and Congratulations ............................................................................................................ 2
Important Safety Instructions ............................................................................................................. 3
Parts of Nomad 3 ............................................................................................................................... 5
Step 1: Unpack Nomad 3 Box .............................................................................................................. 6
Step 2: Download and Install Software ............................................................................................... 9
Step 3: Connect and Home Nomad 3 ................................................................................................. 10
Step 4: Install the Wasteboard.......................................................................................................... 12
Step 5: Install the Collet and Nut ...................................................................................................... 13
Step 6: Install a Probing Pin .............................................................................................................. 15
Step 7: Run the Starter Project ......................................................................................................... 16
Next Steps........................................................................................................................................ 17
Which End Mills Can I Use? ............................................................................................................... 18
Which Materials Can the Nomad 3 Cut? ............................................................................................ 21
How Do I Install/Remove an End Mill? .............................................................................................. 22
How Do I Secure Material to the Nomad 3? ...................................................................................... 24
How Do I Set Job Zero? ..................................................................................................................... 27
What Are Toolpaths and G-code? ..................................................................................................... 34
Where Can I Find Tutorials & Project Inspiration? ..................................................................................... 36
Which Accessories Can I Use with Nomad 3? ........................................................................................ 38
What Maintenance Should I Do? ...................................................................................................... 39
Machine Operating Checklist ............................................................................................................ 40
Glossary of Terms ............................................................................................................................. 42
Machine Use and Maintenance Log .................................................................................................. 43
[email protected] 12/22/2020 v1
Welcome and Congratulations
You are now the proud owner of a Nomad 3, an incredibly powerful and easy-to-use CNC machine. In this guide we
will walk you through everything you need to know to get started using your Nomad 3.
Sign Up for an Onboarding Session
For those of you who are new to CNC machining, we recommend signing up for a short onboarding session. The
onboarding session will help you get started on your CNC journey. During the one-on-one session you can:
Ask any questions you encounter as you go through this guide.
Get step-by-step help walking through the Nomad 3 Starter Project, Step 7 in this guide.
Ask specific questions about how to begin machining your dream project. How do I start engraving metal?
Which end mills can I use? Can I cut steel/brass/copper/acrylic/HDPE? (We’ll actually touch on all of these
in this guide, though you may have additional questions for our support team during your onboarding
Visit our warranty site for Nomad 3 warranty details.
Glossary of Terms
As you’re following the setup process in this guide, you may run into CNC terminology you’re unfamiliar with.
Consult the Glossary of Terms at the end of this document for common CNC terms and definitions.
Important Call-Outs Used in This Guide
Throughout the guide, you will find information that we’ve called out for you to pay particular attention to. We use
three types of call-outs: Warnings, Notes, and Pro Tips:
WARNING: This is a warning. Information in these boxes is VERY important. Pay close attention.
NOTE: This is a noteinformation that points out critical steps or information for future reference.
PRO TIP: This is a Pro Tip. Anytime you see one of these, you will find helpful additional information.
PRO TIP: We’re here to help! If you encounter any issues setting up your Nomad 3, contact our Tech
Support Team at: and we’ll help get you on track!
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Important Safety Instructions
Nomad 3 is a serious machine that should be treated like any other power tool. Always follow safe-machining
Always wear safety glasses when your Nomad 3 is on.
Always wear appropriate hearing protection. Hearing damage is cumulative and irreversible, so it is
important to always err on the side of caution.
Always keep the protective door closed while your Nomad 3 is machining.
Never leave your Nomad 3 unattended while it is machining.
Never reach into the machine while it is running.
End mills are sharp and should be handled with care.
Always ensure the end mill is securely held by the collet before machining.
Always use common sense.
In the event that you need to stop the machine right away, press the Power Switch to turn off the Nomad 3.
Additional Safety Recommendations
Consider the possibility of a fire caused by friction from the spindle and take suitable fire prevention
precautions (e.g. having a fire extinguisher handy and other suitable precautions).
Plug Nomad 3 into an outlet that has a dedicated on/off switch. Be sure this is accessible while the machine
is running, in case you should need to shut the machine off immediately.
Recycle or safely dispose of milling debris and dust, keeping in mind flammability, (potential) spontaneous
combustion, and chemical considerations. Even natural materials can have surprising disposal implications.
For example, walnut wood dust is allelopathic (it inhibits plant growth), an irritant to the skin and
respiratory tract, and potentially poisonous to some animals. All of these possible disposal implications are
in addition to the spontaneous combustion hazard posed by all types of sawdust.
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Nomad 3 Interlock and Enclosure
Nomad 3 has an interlock. When the spindle is running, opening the door will trigger the interlock which causes the
project to pause, and the spindle to pause and move up to a parked position. When the interlock is triggered,
Carbide Motion will display the pause screen. Once the door is closed again, you’ll need to click the Resume button
on the pause screen to continue the job.
The enclosure and protective acrylic door are there for
two reasons: to contain the mess and to protect you
from broken cutters and flying stock.
End mills, or cutters, are made of carbide, a
very hard, very brittle metal. When they break,
they snap suddenly and without warning. The
window will help protect you from any broken
Stock material can break away during cutting.
This can happen because you failed to use
enough double-sided tape, because the
material didn't adhere well enough using that
tape, or because you were cutting too fast.
If either of these happens during a job, power the
machine down (hit the emergency-stop if one is available on your setup) and fix the problem.
In summary, always close the door when the Nomad 3 is machining.
Door Error Messages
When the door is not fully closed, it cannot disengage
the interlock. If this happens, Carbide Motion will
prompt you to check the door. If you see a “Please
close machine door” or “Machine not idle” message, or
if the screen says BUSY” for a long period of time,
make sure the door is appropriately closed.
Interlock Key
The interlock key is provided to allow you to set job
zero while the door is open (using the BitZero V2).
Place the key on the face of the interlock and the
interlock will disengage. Do NOT use the key to
override the interlock while machining. Always close
the door while the spindle is on.
NOTE: We also strongly recommend keeping the door closed when the machine is not in use. Leaving the
door open for long periods of time could weaken the door hinge.
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Parts of Nomad 3
NOTE: We do not recommend leaving the
door open for long periods of time, as this
can weaken the door hinge.
BitZero V2
End Mill
Power Switch
Spindle Motor
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Step 1: Unpack Nomad 3 Box
Unbox Your Nomad 3
Let’s begin by making sure that everything is accounted
for and free from any shipping damage. Open the
Nomad 3 box by cutting the tape across the top seam.
Take precautions to preserve the box while opening; if
your machine needs to be moved or shipped, the box is
the only way to ensure safe transport of the machine.
1. Once the shipping box is open, you’ll find a box
that contains the accessories and another that
contains the BitZero V2 (touch probe). Remove
both items from the main box.
2. The machine weighs approximately 70 lbs. With
two people, reach into the box and from the
bottom lift the machine up and out of the box
onto a table.
3. Remove the two foam panels from the outside of
the machine and place them back into the box
for future transport.
Remove Foam Padding
1. Tilt the machine onto its back or side so you can
access the undercarriage.
2. Clip the zip ties that are holding the foam
padding to the Y-Axis rail on the underside of the
machine. Be careful not to ding the Y-rail.
3. Remove the foam padding and put it in the main
box for future transport.
4. Return the machine to its upright position and
open the acrylic door.
5. Remove the foam padding from the X- and
Z-Axis. Use caution not to ding the rails while
clipping the zip ties.
6. Place all foam padding into the main box for
future transport.
NOTE: It is important the entire machine fits on
the table and that the table is sturdy.
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Open the Nomad Accessory Kit
Open the accessory box and inspect its contents. This box should contain all of the items shown in the image below
and listed in the table on the next page.
PRO TIP: Your Nomad 3 kit was carefully packaged by hand. If, after completing your inventory, you find
that something is missing or damaged, contact us at and we’ll ship it to you ASAP.
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Power Cord
Power Supply
USB Cable
8 × 8 × ½ MDF Wasteboard
6 × 7 × ½ Bamboo Plywood
2 × 3 × 1 Renshape
Double-Sided Tape
Wasteboard Hardware: M6 × 10mm SHCS
4mm Hex Key
17mm Collet Wrench
13mm Shaft Wrench
Collet and Nut
Chip Fan
Ballnose End Mill
Square End Mill
Interlock Key
Open the BitZero V2 Box
This box contains the BitZero V2 and two probing pins.
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Step 2: Download and Install Software
Carbide Motion
Carbide Motion is the machine control software for your Nomad 3 CNC machine. Carbide Motion lets you control
your machine by jogging it around, setting zeroes, and loading and running G-code. You’ll need to install this
software in order to operate the machine. Download and install the latest version of Carbide Motion:
1. Download Carbide Motion (Windows and Mac OS X available).
2. Once the download completes, double-click the file and follow the instructions to install the software to
your computer.
3. After Carbide Motion installs, it is a good idea to drag the icon onto your Windows Taskbar (or Dock on a
Mac) so you can easily access the program.
Check out the Carbide Motion User Guide on the Carbide 3D docs site.
MeshCAM is 3D CAM software that can convert 3D models such as STL files, into G-code for your Nomad 3.
MeshCAM saves a proprietary G-code for Nomad machines, so no additional license code is required to use it with
Nomad 3, but it will not generate G-code for other CNC machines. Download and install the latest version of
1. Download MeshCAM (Windows and Mac OS X available). You’ll need to download V7 or later. We
recommend using the latest version, MeshCAM V8.
2. Once the download completes, double-click the file and follow the instructions to install the software.
3. After MeshCAM installs, drag the icon onto your Windows Taskbar (or Dock on a Mac).
Carbide Create
Carbide Create is a cross-platform 2D CAD/CAM software package made by Carbide 3D. This software is ideal for
designing 2D and 2.5D parts, has built in 3D previews and works flawlessly with your machine. You’ll use Carbide
Create to create 2D and 2.5D designs, generate toolpaths, and export G-code which you will run in Carbide Motion
to machine your part. Download and install the latest version of Carbide Create:
1. Download Carbide Create (Windows and Mac OS X available).
2. Once the download completes, double-click the file and follow the instructions to install the software.
3. After Carbide Create installs, drag the icon onto your Windows Taskbar (or Dock on a Mac).
Check out the Carbide Create Video Tutorial Series on the Carbide 3D docs site.
Alibre Workshop
Alibre Workshop is a 3D CAD/CAM program. With Alibre Workshop, you can design from scratch, import 2D and 3D
formats, or create toolpaths from images. You will receive a license and download link for Alibre Workshop directly
from Carbide 3D.
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Step 3: Connect and Home Nomad 3
Plug in the Cables
1. Plug the power cable into the bottom
connector on the outside of the machine
enclosure. The flat side of the power
connector faces right (toward the rear of the
2. Plug the USB cable into the middle connector.
The small end of the cable plugs into the
connector. The larger USB end will plug into a
USB port your computer.
3. Plug the BitZero V2 into the top connector
with the small black release button facing up.
Connect to Nomad 3
Nomad 3 is controlled by Carbide Motion. To connect your machine to Carbide Motion:
1. Power up your computer.
2. Connect the USB cable to your computer.
3. Start Carbide Motion on your computer.
4. Press the Power switch on the front of Nomad 3 to power it on.
5. In Carbide Motion, click the Connect to Cutter button.
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Home Your Nomad 3
Now that you are connected to your Nomad 3, it’s time to home it. Homing your CNC machine is the process of
sending it to a known, fixed, repeatable location. This means that every time you home the machine, it will move to
EXACTLY the same position. Every. Single. Time. This allows you to move your machine to ANOTHER position,
relative to the home position, with great precision. On your Nomad 3, the home is position is the back-right corner.
To home your Nomad 3:
1. Click the Initialize Machine button. When homing is complete, your spindle will be in the back-right corner and
the table will be at the front of the machine.
PRO TIP: Sometimes, later on in a project you will want to home the machine again. To do so, click MDI in
the top menu bar to open the MDI screen. Enter $H into the text field and click the Send button. This will
re-home the machine.
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Step 4: Install the Wasteboard
Now that the homing sequence has moved the table to the front of the machine, it’s time to install the wasteboard.
The wasteboard protects the machine’s aluminum table from damage. While you can attach stock material directly
to the table, chances are high that you’ll accidently cut through the material and into the table at some point, so
we highly recommend using the wasteboard.
To install the wasteboard:
1. Remove the wasteboard, M6 × 10mm SHCS, and 4mm hex key from the accessory box.
2. Place the wasteboard on the table with the countersunk holes facing up, and the middle-countersunk hole
positioned just right of center.
3. Line up the countersunk holes with the holes in the table.
4. Use the 4mm hex key and the five (5) M6 × 10mm screws to secure the wasteboard. While tightening,
ensure your MDF wasteboard stays square with the aluminum table.
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Step 5: Install the Collet and Nut
What Is a Collet?
A collet is used to secure an end mill in the spindle. A collet is sized to hold one diameter of cutter. Your Nomad 3
comes with a
ER-11 collet which is capable of holding any
diameter cutter, even if you did not buy it from
Carbide 3D. You can buy additional ER-11 collets to hold different diameter cutters from Carbide 3D or other
The collet (1) holds the end mill (3) when the collet nut (2) is tightened in a spindle.
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How to Install the Collet and Nut
To install the collet and nut:
1. Snap the collet into the collet nut:
a. Set the collet nut on the table
with the threads facing up.
b. Use your thumb to press the
collet into the nut until you hear
a click. Once the collet is
clicked into the nut it is secured
in place.
2. Insert the collet into the shaft of the
spindle and loosely thread the nut onto
the spindle shaft. Do not use the collet
wrenches to tighten the collet nut at this
WARNING: Never fully tighten the collet nut without first inserting a tool or the collet could break.
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Step 6: Install a Probing Pin
After connecting and homing the machine, you will be prompted to insert a tool. At this time, you can either install
a probing pin (to use the BitZero V2 to find job zero) or you can install an end mill. Typically, you will install an end
mill only after finding job zero.
To get ready to find job zero in the first project, the Nomad 3 Starter Project, you’ll need to install the probing pin:
1. Insert the
probing pin, included in the BitZero V2 kit, into the loose collet a minimum of 0.75 (20mm)
the entire length of the collet and nut.
2. Hold the shaft of the spindle (above the threads) with one hand, while holding the probing pin in position
and tightening the collet nut with your other hand.
3. Tighten the collet nut with your fingers, just until the probing pin will not fall out.
4. Use the 13mm shaft wrench to hold the shaft of the spindle in place, while using the 17mm collet wrench
to tighten the collet nut and secure the probing pin.
5. In Carbide Motion, hit the Resume button. The spindle will position above the BitSetter and will
automatically measure the length of the probing pin.
WARNING: You can damage a collet if you compress it without support from the inside. This is also why
you should never tighten the collet nut without first inserting a tool, as you can damage the collet.
NOTE: BitSetter is an automatic tool offset probe, which measures the length of each tool. BitSetter makes
it easy to run jobs using multiple tools without the need to stop and re-zero your Z-Axis manually. This
makes tool changes with the Nomad 3 simple and straight forward.
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Step 7: Run the Starter Project
Congratulations! Your Nomad 3 is now set up and you are ready to run your first project. The Nomad 3 Starter
Project on the Carbide 3D website will walk you through the steps to create a tool organizer tray which can hold all
of your Nomad 3 accessories, such as end mills, ER-11 collets, and wrenches. The tutorial uses the 6 × 7 × ½
piece of bamboo plywood included in your Nomad 3 kit. Everything you need to know is covered in the tutorial,
How to create toolpaths in Carbide Create.
How to export G-code (the code that tells
your Nomad 3 how to machine the part).
How to secure the bamboo plywood to
your wasteboard.
How to install an end mill.
How to use BitZero V2 to set job zero for
the project.
How to import G-code into Carbide Motion
to begin machining.
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Next Steps
Frequently Asked Questions
On the following pages, you’ll find detailed answers to Nomad 3 frequently asked questions:
Which End Mills Can I Use?
Which Materials Can the Nomad 3 Cut?
How Do I Install/Remove an End Mill?
How Do I Secure Material to the Nomad 3?
How Do I Set Job Zero?
What Are Toolpaths and G-code?
Where Can I Find Tutorials and Project Inspiration?
Which Accessories Can I Use with Nomad 3?
What Maintenance Should I Do?
Additional Information
Finally, at the end of the document, you will find:
Machine Operating Checklist
CNC Glossary
Machine Use and Maintenance Log
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Which End Mills Can I Use?
Nomad 3 uses a spindle with an ER-11 collet system. The machine ships with a
collet and nut, which allows you
to use any end mill, also known as a cutter, that has an
diameter shank. The shank diameter determines what
size collet should be used to hold the cutter in the spindle.
Where Can I Purchase Additional End Mills?
Browse through the end mills on our Cutters page in the Carbide 3D store. Our #100 series and our #501 and #502
cutters are all
end mills.
Nomad End Mill Starter Pack
If you’re not quite sure which endmills you should get to start working
on those projects you've got lined up for your Nomad 3, the Nomad End
Mill Starter Pack is a great choice! This starter pack has a collection of
the most popular endmills to get you milling in no time. All end mills in
the kit fit the
collet and nut that comes with your Nomad 3. Each
Nomad Cutter Starter Pack contains the following:
Which End Mills Can I Use for Engraving?
If want to do engraving on metal or very fine lettering or detail work,
check out our engraving end mills: #501 - 60° Tip Engraver and #502 -
40° Tip Engraver (both have a
shank). What’s the difference
between the two? A smaller angle tip means a smaller cutting width,
and therefore, finer engraving.
You may also be interested in our Amana AMS-114-K 3 Piece CNC
Signmaking and Engraving Pack, it includes a ¼ 2-flute spiral down-
cut cutter, a ¼ 2-flute compression cutter, and a 30° engraver. This
kit requires a ¼ collet.
What if I Want to Use Larger End Mills?
Because the spindle uses the ER-11 collet system, if you'd like to use a
larger tool with your Nomad 3, you can purchase a ¼ ER-11 Collet
and Nut. This will allow you to use cutters with ¼ shank for use in
appropriate materials. The kit includes an extra collet nut so you can
quickly switch between collets without having to remove them from
2 ea - #101 .125″ Ball Endmill
2 ea - #102 .125″ Flat Endmill
2 ea - #111 .0625″ Ball Endmill
2 ea - #112 .0625″ Flat Endmill
1 ea - #121 .0312″ Ball Endmill
1 ea - #122 .0312″ Flat Cutter
1 ea - #501 60° PCB Engraver
1 ea - #502 40° PCB Engraver
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the collet nut. The maximum end mill diameter that you can use with your Nomad 3 is 7mm (0.275); make sure to
purchase an appropriately sized collet.
What if I Want to Use Smaller End Mills?
In the Carbide 3D Shop, we offer several small cutting-diameter end mills:
(0.0312), and 2mm
single flute (0.078) end mills. Because they all have a
shank, they can be used with your
You can also purchase smaller ER-11 collets if you decide you want to purchase end mills with shank smaller than
. You just need to make sure that the collet is appropriately sized for the end mill you want to use. For example,
you’ll need a
collet for an end mill with a
shank and a
collet for an end mill with a
What are the Parts of an End Mill?
Shank: The diameter of the
non-cutting end of the
Overall Length (OAL): The
total length of the cutter
(measured from tip to tip).
Length of Cut (LOC): The
total length of the cutting surface of the cutter. If this dimension is less than the dimension of the shank, the LOC is
effectively how far down the cutter can plunge (total) into the material.
Flutes: The number of cutting surfaces found on the cutter. For example, a 2-flute cutter has two cutting edges, a
3-flute cutter has three cutting edges.
Cutting Diameter: The diameter of the cutting area of the end mill (can be different from the shank size).
What Are Common End Mill
End mills generally come in two
varieties: square (right) and ballnose
(left) end mills. Watch the How to Pick
an End Mill for Your Project Video.
Aside from the shape of the end mill,
the tip geometry also varies between
types, determining the way the chips
are ejected and effecting the
smoothness of the finish.
NOTE: The Nomad 3 does not use a proprietary system for end mills. That means that any end mill, from any
vendor will work. Just make sure you get the correct shank size for your collet.
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Up-Cut: Up-cut end mills 'pull' the chips UP and out of the slot. These tend to leave a smooth finish on the bottom
of the material.
Down-Cut: Down-cut end mills 'push' the chips DOWN into the slot. These tend to leave a smooth finish on the top
of the material.
Compression: Compression-cut end mills have a mixture of up-cut and down-cut flutes, creating a smooth finish on
the top and bottom of the material.
Square End Mills
Square end mills cut a
smooth flat-bottom
surface. They are known
for milling 2D and 2.5D
parts, where flat bottoms
and vertical walls define
the design.
Ball Nose Mills
Scallops: Ballnose end
mills do not cut a flat
bottom surface, instead they will leave
Contours: Ballnose end mills are known for
milling contoured or organic shapes. They do
a nice job of getting in the nooks and
crannies of contours.
V-Bit End Mills (Engraving)
A V-bit is a V-shaped cutter used to create
V-carving (engraving) designs. Because of
how V-carving toolpaths are generated, you
can create very fine and very wide details
with the same cutter. It is important to know
that the flatness of your material will make a
difference with the results when using a
PCB Engraving End Mills
PCB engraving bits are designed to take off the very thin layer of copper on raw copper clad boards, along very
narrow paths (for example in-between the copper traces of the circuit design). For optimal results they require the
material to be very flat, and installed on a very flat surface, such that there is no depth difference between
different sides of the PCB.
For more information about end mills, visit our End Mill Wiki.
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Which Materials Can the Nomad 3 Cut?
The Nomad 3 cutting area is 8 (X) × 8 (Y) × 3 (Z).
Because the Nomad 3 has a rigid frame and 130W
DC brushless spindle with a maximum 24k RPM, it’s
designed to accurately cut in materials up through
the hardness of non-ferrous alloys such as brass
and even aerospace-grade aluminum. Some
examples of materials that are appropriate include:
Hardwoods, such as maple, ash, basswood,
birch, cherry, walnut, poplar, and oak.
Softwoods, such as pine, cedar, balsa, and
Plastics, such as ABS, Delrin (Acetal),
Polycarbonate (PC), Acrylic (PMMA), Nylon,
Polyethylene, and Polyurethanes.
Synthetics and composites, such as Renshape and other Polyurethane resins with fillers, as well as foams.
Metals,* such as copper, brass, and aluminum, including 6061 and 7075 alloys for example.
*With the use of coolants, harder metals such as titanium and steel alloys and some stainless-steel alloys have also
been machined with the Nomad Pro, our previous Nomad model. The Nomad 3 has a more powerful spindle, so
anything that can be machined on Nomad Pro, can definitely be machined on your Nomad 3.
Material Guides
Check out the material guide videos below for tips and sample speeds and feeds for machining various materials on
your Nomad Pro. See the What Are Toolpaths and G-code? section for information about speeds and feeds.
Thermoplastics (Acetal, Polyoxymethylene, and Delrin)
Cast Acrylic
High density polyethylene (HDPE)
Synthetics and Composites
Machinable wax
Steel and stainless steel
Brass and copper sheets
Sterling Silver
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How Do I Install/Remove an End Mill?
Install an End Mill
After connecting and homing the machine, you will
be prompted to insert a tool. At this time, you can
either install a probing pin and use the BitZero V2 to
find job zero, or you can install an end mill. Typically,
you will install an end mill only after finding job zero
with a probing pin. Watch our End Mill Installation
Tips video for an overview of the process and tips.
To install an end mill:
1. Ensure the selected end mill is free of any
2. Insert the shank of the end mill into the
loosened collet a minimum of 0.75 (20mm),
the entire length of the collet and nut. The tool should project at least as much as the deepest intended
cutting depth but should not extend more than 2 from the collet nut.
3. Hold the shaft of the spindle (above the threads) with one hand, while holding the end mill in position and
tightening the collet nut with your other hand. Be very careful not to cut yourself on the end mill.
4. Lightly tighten the collet nut with your fingers, just until the end mill will not fall out.
5. Now, use the shaft wrench to hold the shaft of the spindle in place, while using the collet wrench to tighten
the collet nut and secure the end mill.
6. In Carbide Motion, hit the Resume button. The machine will position the spindle above the BitSetter, which
will measure the tool length.
How Tight Should the Collet Be Around the End Mill?
The collet should be tight enough that the end mill will not work loose during machining (it must be more
than hand-tight).
The collet should never be over-tightened as this can put undue strain on the spindle, nut, and collet, which
can damage the end mill over time.
WARNING: You can damage a collet if you compress it without support from the inside. This is also why you
should never tighten the collet nut without first inserting a tool, as you can damage the collet.
NOTE: BitSetter is an automatic tool offset probe, which measures the length of each tool. BitSetter makes
it easy to run jobs using multiple tools without the need to stop and re-zero your Z-Axis manually. This
makes toolchanges with the Nomad 3 simple and straight forward.
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Install the Chip Fan
The included chip fan is designed to blow away the
wood chips and dust that accumulate on the work
surface during cutting. The chip fan slides onto the
exterior of the collet nut from the bottom. The fan
blades are designed to create a downdraft during
milling and, at the same time, keep the fan in place
on the collet nut.
1. Slide the chip fan onto the bottom of the
collet nut.
Remove an End Mill?
To remove an end mill:
1. Ensure the spindle has stopped and parked.
2. Remove the chip fan, if necessary.
3. Use the 13mm and 17mm wrenches to loosen the collet nut until the end mill can be removed from the
4. Remove any debris from the end mill and store it in its original plastic packaging or a tool tray.
NOTE: The Nomad 3 Starter Project on the Carbide 3D website will walk you step-by-step through creating a
tool tray designed to hold multiple end mills, collets, and other tools. The Starter Project uses the 6 × 7
bamboo plywood included in your Nomad 3 kit.
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How Do I Secure Material to the Nomad 3?
Regardless of what type of project you are making, one of the first things to determine is how you will secure the
material to the machine. This concept is called workholding. There are several common ways to hold material
down. The specifics of your project, part, material, and other requirements will determine which method you
choose. The main objective for workholding is to secure your material to the machine in a way that will not yield to
the forces of machining. The most common forms of workholding for the Nomad 3 are:
• Double-sided tape
Low-profile vise
• Top clamps
Machinable fixturing wax
Workholding Options in the Carbide 3D Store
Low-Profile Vise
We make this vise from scratch, in-house, specifically for Nomad
machines. The vise is 2 wide × 8 long. The maximum clamping width is
6.5. Hardware for attaching it to the table is included.
Watch the Machining Steel and Stainless Steel on the Nomad video to
see the low-profile vise in action.
Watch the Nomad Low Profile Vise Installation video.
Tiger Claw Clamps
The Tiger Claw Clamp is a low-profile, high-quality stainless-steel clamp
that can be used on the Nomad. With over 15mm of lateral travel these
beasts will hold your job down with a tight grip, no matter what you’re
making. The Tiger Claw Clamps have a secure grip that works great for
carving projects since there’s no vertical clamping face.
Tiger clamps come in two sizes, standard and compact. The Tiger Claw
Compact clamps are shorter and have a lower profile than the standard
Tiger Claw clamps, for those applications where space is at a premium.
They are very useful with jigs and fixtures, where there is no need for
placement adjustment and where the reduced clamp track (2mm) will be
Watch the Tiger Claw Clamps video.
PRO TIP: It is good habit to select a workholding option early in a project, so as to have the opportunity to
cater to any workholding constraints in the design itself.
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Gator Tooth Clamps
Gator Tooth Clamps are ultra-low-profile. Use them as a backstop, a side
clamp, or a toe clamp. With over 30mm of lateral travel, these beasts will
hold your job down safely and securely. Clamps come in anodized
aluminum or stainless steel.
Watch the Gator Tooth Clamp video.
Lock Stops
The Lock Stop is a low-profile, high-quality stainless-steel stop that can be
used on the Nomad in conjunction with the Tiger Claw (standard or
compact) or Gator Tooth Clamps. These lock stops help secure your job
with a tight grip and serrated face, no matter what you're making.
Watch the Lock Stop video.
Nomad Threaded Table
This is a ½ thick aluminum replacement table for your Nomad 3. It's got
over fifty M6 × 1 threaded holes to give you plenty of clamping options.
The Threaded Table comes with the table, clamps, and five M6 screws to
attach it to your Nomad’s aluminum table.
Watch the Using Clamps with the Nomad Threaded Table video.
Machinable Fixturing Wax
Machinable fixturing wax is particularly invaluable for holding and
machining thin metal such as aluminum and brass. The alternative,
double-sided tape, can gum up the cutter. With wax you can easily
remove your finished part without prying or bending it. The wax is
available in two strengths: higher strength and lower strength (water
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Super Hold Kit
The Super Hold is a work-holding solution that provides an easy way to
secure thin pieces of stock without the use of clamps.
Similar to using double-sided tape, the Super Hold uses a combination of
tape and glue to secure your material by conforming to small
irregularities in flatness and peels off cleanly from both the work surface
and the material. The accelerator in the kit helps speed up the curing
process for those quick jobs!
Watch the Super Hold Kit video.
Double-Sided Tape
When you use up the last of the double-sided tape included in your
Nomad 3 kit, you can purchase it through the Carbide 3D store. Tape is
0.75 wide, 5 mil thick, 36 yards long, and it has 66 ounces per inch
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How Do I Set Job Zero?
What Is Job Zero?
At the most basic level, job zero, also called job origin, tells the machine where to begin running the job. Job zero is
a point in your design where all of the toolpaths will be based from (the X, Y, and Z coordinates).
In Carbide Create, job zero is called “Toolpath Zero”. When you design a project in Carbide Motion, you can choose
from several options for the project’s origin point:
In MeshCAM, job zero is called “Program Zero” and there are even more origin options:
The lower-left corner is the most common job zero point for simple, beginner projects. With more advanced
projects, it may be beneficial to choose one location over the others; though what you choose will depend on a
variety of factors. For example, if you are using hold-down clamps (top clamping), finding the corners may be tricky
if the clamps are in the way. Also, your material may not be square, or may not have a square edge to start from. In
both of these examples, using the center for job zero may be more advantageous.
Steps for Setting Job Zero
To find and set job zero, complete the following steps:
1. Home your machine. See Home Your Nomad 3.
2. Secure your material to the wasteboard. See How Do I Secure Material to the Nomad 3?
3. Determine where job zero is in Carbide Create or MeshCAM:
a. In Carbide Create, locate the origin marker (red/white circle on your canvas).
a. In MeshCAM, locate the X/Y/Z arrows on the canvas or look for the Program Zero value.
4. Use the BitZero V2 to find and set job zero for X,Y, and Z.
What is the BitZero V2?
BitZero V2 is a low-profile touch probe designed specifically for Carbide 3D Nomad machines. It allows you to
quickly and painlessly set job zero on your stock material.
You can use BitZero V2 to find the X, Y, and Z zero position, or you can use it to find only Z, only Y, or only X. As you
get started with your Nomad 3, you will likely want to set job zero on one corner of your stock, so you’ll need to
find X, Y, and Z. Watch the Nomad 3 Gets Stock Probing Options video.
NW corner (top-left)
SW corner (bottom-left)
Center back
Center front
NE corner (top-right)
SE corner (bottom-right)
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How to Use the BitZero to Find and Set Job Zero
Using the BitZero V2 to set job zero is much faster than setting job zero by hand.
To find and set job zero on one corner of your stock material:
1. Make sure the BitZero V2 is plugged into the top connector on the outside of the machine enclosure.
2. Connect to and home your Nomad 3.
3. Place the included interlock key on the face of the interlock. The interlock key is specifically provided to
allow you to set job zero with the protective door open.
4. When Carbide Motion prompts you to load a tool, install the
probing pin into the loosened collet. See
Install a Probing Pin if you need a refresher.
NOTE: While you can use an end mill with the BitZero V2, it is better to use a probing pin because the flutes of an
end mill don’t always register against the touch probe at the full radius of the tool. A probing pin is consistent all
the way around, so no matter how it’s rotated in the spindle, it will provide the most accurate results possible.
WARNING: Do NOT use the interlock key to override the safety interlock while machining. Always close the
machine door while the spindle is on.
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5. In Carbide Motion, click the Resume button. The spindle will move to the BitSetter and will automatically
measure the length of the probing pin.
6. Set the BitZero V2 on a corner of your stock with the locating edges overhanging, but pressed up against
the sides of your stock. Make sure the BitZero V2 cable hugs the outside of the enclosure, so there is plenty
of slack cable inside the enclosure. This will help prevent the BitZero from shifting while the table and
spindle move into position.
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7. In Carbide Motion, click Jog in the top menu bar to
open the Jog screen.
8. Jog the machine until the tip of the probing pin is just
inside the circular pocket (or bore) on the corner of
the BitZero V2:
a. Use the Y- / Y+ buttons to position the Y-Axis
(the table).
b. Use the X- / X+ buttons to position the X-Axis
(the spindle, moving side-to-side).
c. Use the Z- / Z+ buttons to position the Z-Axis
(the spindle, moving up and down).
d. Use the Increment + and Increment - buttons
to speed up or slow down the machine’s
Jog Shortcuts
Up Arrow: Move Y-Axis toward the front.
Down Arrow: Move Y-Axis toward the back.
Left Arrow: Move X-Axis to the left.
Right Arrow: Move X-Axis to the right.
, (Comma): Move Z-Axis down.
. (Period): Move Z-Axis up.
1,2,3,4: Adjust move increment
PRO TIP: You can quickly move the spindle to the bottom-left corner of your stock by clicking the Rapid
Position button, then clicking SW on the Rapid Position screen.
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9. In order for the probing pin to register against the BitZero V2, it needs to be grounded. Attach the magnetic
grounding clip, which exits the body of the BitZero, to either the collet nut or the probing pin in the spindle.
If using the probing pin, make sure at least ½ of the tool remains unobstructed.
10. Confirm everything is working by tapping the BitZero body against the probing pin and checking for the
status LED on the top of the BitZero to turn red.
11. Return the BitZero body to its position on the corner of your stock.
12. Click the Probe button to open the Work Probing screen.
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13. In the Probe Type dropdown list, select BitZero V2.
14. In the Cycle Type dropdown list, select Probe Corner (Z+, X+, Y+).
15. Click the Begin Probing button to start the probing sequence.
NOTE: Make sure your spindle/BitZero setup matches the image shown on the Work Probing screen for the
Cycle Type you have selected. If your setup does not match the onscreen example, the calculated zero
location will be incorrect.
NOTE: If you notice that your BitZero V2 moves slightly during jogging or during the probing sequence, try
removing the tension in the cable by repositioning it. For example, try draping the cable up and over the side of the
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16. Once the probing sequence completes, click the Done button at the bottom of the Work Probing screen
and Carbide Motion will set your zero location for X, Y, and Z.
17. Remove the BitZero V2 and grounding clip from the machine enclosure.
18. Remove the interlock key and set it outside of the machine enclosure.
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What Are Toolpaths and G-code?
When your CNC machine is running, it is executing G-code, which was created by defining toolpaths. Think of
toolpaths as your visual guide to programming your CNC machine. Toolpaths tell the machine how to cut your
design into the material. They tell the machine what tool to use, what area of the material to cut, and how fast to
cut. Toolpaths tell the machine how deep to cut each pass and how deep to cut when the feature is finished. The
machine has both depth per pass and max depth parameters because the end mill cuts toolpath depth a little at a
time, if the end mill tried to cut out the entire depth at once, it would either get stuck, or cause a tearout (a rip in
the material).
You never have to look at G-code if you don’t want to. It’s not vital to know or understand how it works or how to
read it. But, it is important is to understand that G-code is made from toolpaths. You will be using Carbide Create
(for 2D milling) or MeshCAM (for 3D milling) to make these toolpaths.
Toolpath Types
In Carbide Create, you’ll encounter four basic toolpath types:
Inside Cut: Offsets the cutter to the inside of the feature.
Outside Cut: Offsets the cutter to the outside of the feature.
Pocket: Clears everything inside the feature.
Engrave: Cuts directly on the line (no offset).
We use the term offset to describe the toolpaths. In this case, offsetting means to move the cutting edge of the end
mill to one side of the line or the other.
Understanding Offset and Kerf
If you were to cut a board on your miter saw to 12, you would measure and mark a line 12 from one end of the
board. What would happen, then, if you cut the board exactly on that line, with the saw blade cutting right down
the middle of the line? Would your board measure 12 after the cut?
No! The board would not be cut to 12 because of the kerf. The kerf is the cutting width of the blade, which, in
most cases, would be
. If you cut exactly down the center of the line, half of your blade would be on one side of
the line and half of your blade would be on the other side of the line. Because of this, your board would measure
shorter than you anticipated.
If you wanted to cut the part to exactly 12, you would need to keep your blade to the opposite side of the line you
marked. This would ensure the blade did not cut into the material that you actually wanted to keep.
When creating toolpaths, we need to do exactly the same thing to account for the kerf. Each cutter you use will
have a kerf that is equal to the cutter’s diameter. When you are creating toolpaths, it is your job to define where
that kerf will be cut from by choosing the correct toolpath type for the type of part you are milling. Then, it will be
Carbide Create’s job to generate the correct toolpath based on your input and the cutter’s diameter.
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Now, let’s take a look at the first three toolpaths again,
this time with a little visual context:
Inside Cut: Offsets the cutter to the inside of the
Outside Cut: Offsets the cutter to the outside of
the feature
Pocket: Clears everything inside the feature
Assuming we are using a
cutter, look at the image at
right and try to imagine what would happen if you cut on
the wrong side of the feature (think of the individual
shapes in the part as features).
For instance, had you chosen an inside cut for the profile
(the outermost toolpath that frees your part from the stock) instead of an outside cut, your part would end up ¼
smaller than you had intended.
Why? Because your cutter has a kerf of
. So, if you cut inside the line (on both sides of the part), then you would
have overcut ¼ of unintended material.
The center feature (a pocket toolpath) will clear out everything inside of the selected feature. The toolpath in our
example is slightly misleading because there is also a hole in the middle of the pocket. To accomplish this result,
you would need to apply a pocket operation to the larger circle, and then an inside cut on the smaller circle inside
it. Defining the parameters accordingly will allow each feature to reach a different depth of cut.
Max Depth
Max depth is your target depth. Defining this parameter tells a toolpath how deep it should cut into the material
when the operation is finished. This is not the same as depth per pass. In fact, think of depth of cut as the final
depth for all of the depth passes. It is important to remember also that the software will calculate how many passes
it will take to reach the depth of cut. You do not have to define that. If you tell the software how deep to cut a
feature, the rest will be automatically calculated.
Feeds and Speeds
“Feeds and speeds” refers to how fast the cutter should spin and how fast the cutter should be moved through the
materialdepending on the nature of the material and the choice of end mill. Collectively, speeds and feeds is
referring to these parameters, and their values for a given use-case. The good news is you don’t have to worry
about speeds and feedsunless you want to. MeshCAM automatically calculate speeds and feeds based multiple
project variables, including machine, material, and cutter and Carbide Create uses a curated set of speeds and
feeds based on material and use-case.
If you’d like to learn more about speeds and feeds in order to try to achieve a faster run-time or a cleaner finish,
check out the Nomad Speeds and Feeds Chart and watch the Making Sense of Speeds and Feeds video.
TL;DR Summary
When creating toolpaths, you need to choose which tool will work best for a feature, the toolpath type, and the
depth of cut. From this information, and the type of material you’re using, the software will automatically calculate
the appropriate speeds and feeds for your toolpath (though advanced users can input their own speeds and feeds).
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Where Can I Find Tutorials & Project Inspiration?
Find Additional Tutorials
After you have completed the Nomad 3 Starter Project,
visit the Carbide 3D Tutorials page for more Nomad
tutorials, including:
3D Head Project (MeshCAM)
Two-Toned Wood Sign Project (MeshCAM)
Fritzing Tutorial (machine a PCB using Carbide
Find Projects and Inspiration on YouTube
Visit the Carbide 3D YouTube channel for video tutorial
projects, machining guides, tips and tricks, and product
releases. Follow along with the project videos below or
use them to inspire your next project.
Metal Machining and Engraving
Engraved Sterling Silver Disc Charm
Carbide Camp Knife Series (design, machining,
engraving, and heat-treating steel camp knives)
Drag-Engraved Aluminum Business Cards with the
Spindle Off
Simple Silver Necklace Ideas
Custom Graphite Mold for Metal Casting
Metal Dominoes
Soda Can Robots
3D Machining
Wooden Topographic Carving
Two-Sided Easter Island Moai
Wooden Knife Handles
Two-Sided Master Chief Action Figure
Brass Signature Branding Iron
Hardwood Legos
HDPE Atomic Spinner
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Fun Stuff
What’s the Smallest Thing You Can Machine on a Nomad?
Acrylic and Delrin Spring-Powered Car
MeshCAM Lithophane (artwork milled from semi-translucent material that is only seen clearly when backlit)
Find Projects and Inspiration on CutRocket
Check out CutRocket, the Carbide 3D project sharing site,
to explore even more cutting projects for your Nomad 3.
On CutRocket you’ll find a wide variety of projects: signs,
toys, games, tools, art, and storage and organizationand
the project files for each. These projects will level up your
machining skills and get you inspired to create your own
Join Our Community
Join the Carbide 3D Community! Find or start a discussion on topics such as machining questions, product
announcements, software issues (Carbide Create, Carbide Motion, MeshCAM, Carbide Copper, Fusion 360, etc.),
problems with tutorials, community contests, project galleries, and more.
Brass LA Cityscape
Wooden Puzzle Box
Textured Brass Necklace Pendant
Pet Tag
Bevel Gauge for Woodworking
Geometric Butterfly Relief
Mountain Quote Plaque
Acrylic Leaf Earrings
Brass Turtle Keychain
HDPE Business Card Holder
Nomad Necklace
Star Wars Rebel Alliance Keychain
Monogram Charm
Brass Leaf Bookmark
Floral and Shell Magnets (Wood and Acrylic)
“Carbide for Life” Tag
Valentine’s Day Stamps
Gopher Hole Puzzle
Copper Heart Bookmark
Moon with Bats Stencil
Book Ownership Stamp
Aluminum, Brass, and Delrin Gears
Acrylic Puzzle
Copper Giraffe Bookmark
Maple Animal Drawer Pulls
Mini Wooden Picture Frame
HDPE Wave Sign
Wooden Magnet with Acrylic Silhouette Inlay
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Which Accessories Can I Use with Nomad 3?
The Nomad 3 is designed to be part of an ecosystem of products that make machining as simple as possible. Your
Nomad 3 works with:
Nomad Replacement MDF Wasteboards
Replacement wasteboards for your Nomad 3 are available in the Carbide
3D store. This pack of four (4) wasteboards will make sure your aluminum
table is always protected. The wasteboards are ½ MDF and have pre-
machined holes and countersinks for easily install. This pack comes with a
set of mounting hardware.
Flip Jig
The Nomad Flip Jig allows you to cut both sides of a part while
maintaining perfect alignment. The Flip Jig is precision-machined to
mount to the table. It uses the built-in machine calibration to make it
easy to locate it on the table (no edge finders required). The Flip Jig is
made to hold stock that's just under 3 × 5 in size, and up to 1.2 thick.
Watch the Two-Sided Easter Island Moai video.
Watch the Installing the Nomad Flip Jig video.
Stock Material
The Carbide 3D store stocks a range of plastics (acrylic, Delrin and HDPE)
metal (aluminum plate), synthetics (renshape, machining wax, and
linoleum), and PCB.
Browse Materials
See the How Do I Secure Material to Nomad 3 section for a list of available workholding solutions on the Carbide 3D
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What Maintenance Should I Do?
We recommend lubricating your X-, Y-Axis rails approximately every 50 hours of machining, or when you start to
notice a buildup of dust and grime. We recommend lubricating your Z-Axis every 6 months. Other than the
occasional lubrication, your Nomad 3 is maintenance free!
Lubricating the X- And Y-Axis
The only oil we use and recommend for lubrication of
the Nomad 3’s X- and Y- rails is Super Lube Synthetic
Oil with PTFE. It’s available from Amazon in various
container sizes and types as well as some sewing
machine supply shops.
To lubricate the X and Y-Axis:
1. Move the X or Y-Axis to one extreme.
2. Wipe a thin layer of Super Lube onto the rails.
3. Then, jog the lubricated axis back and forth a
few times. Most of the oil will be pushed aside
by the bearing seals but some of it will get in
there, and that is enough to do the job.
4. After you’ve jogged the axis back and forth a few times, wipe the remaining oil from the rails so that it
doesn’t attract dust.
Lubricating the Z-Axis
To lubricate the Z-Axis:
1. Put a quick coat of synthetic oil (such as Mobil Vactra No. 2 Oil) on the linear rails and leadscrew.
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Machine Operating Checklist
1. Be Safe
Always follow the safety guidelines listed at the beginning of this document. Always wear appropriate safety
equipment, especially safety glasses/goggles and hearing protection.
2. Check the Machine
Check that all screws are tight, rails are in good condition with no nicks or other damage, wiring is in good condition
with continuity and securely fastened, and that nothing is frayed or broken and everything is clear and safe.
3. Secure the Workpiece
Secure the workpiece (the material being milled) right-side up and in the desired orientation to the worksurface
using a technique appropriate to the material.
4. Clear the Work Area
Ensure the work area is clear and the spindle can move without interference.
5. Close the Door.
Close the machine’s protective door. You will not be able to connect to or home the machine with the door open.
6. Connect to Your Computer
To connect the Nomad 3 to your computer:
a. Power up the computer.
b. Connect the USB cable to your computer.
c. Start Carbide Motion on your computer.
d. Press the Power button to turn your Nomad 3 on.
e. In Carbide Motion, connect to the machine.
f. Home the machine.
7. Install a Probing Pin and Set Up the BitZero V2
Load a probing pin in the collet and position the BitZero V2 on a corner of your stock.
8. Set Job Zero
Move your spindle to the BitZero V2 and begin the probing sequence.
9. Remove the BitZero V2
Remove the grounding clip and place the BitZero V2 outside the machine enclosure.
10. Double Check the Work Area
Ensure that nothing has been left in the work area. Make sure the door is closed.
11. Examine and Install the End Mill
Examine each end mill prior to use to ensure that it is sharp, in good condition, and not chipped (this is best done
with a loupe or magnifying glass). Install the end mill per the instructions in the Install an End Mill section. Check to
make certain that the collet is tight and will not work loose during operation (it needs to be more than finger-
tightthe machine will take no notice or care if it works loose).
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12. Load the G-code File in Carbide Motion
Load the NC or EGC file (the G-code which gives the machine its instructions) which you have already simulated.
Follow all prompts for tool changes.
13. Monitor the Machine During Operation
Monitor the machine during operation. Ensure there is no build-up of dust, debris, or fumes, and that nothing
works loose. Do not reach into the machine’s working envelope or insert any object into it while the machine is
operating. If you attempt to open the protective door during machining, the job will pause and the spindle will stop
and park.
14. Finish and Clean Up
Once the job is complete, the spindle will automatically stop and return to its parked position. Remove the finished
piece. Remove any waste and vacuum the inside of the Nomad 3.
Store end mills carefully when not in use to protect the cutting edges. Collets and end mills should be cleaned when
they accumulate milling debris. The easiest way to clean end mills and collets is by dipping them into a suitable
solvent such as isopropyl alcohol. Make sure to let the alcohol complete evaporate before using again.
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CNC Glossary
CAD (Computer Aided Design): CAD is where you turn your idea into a digital design! CAD is software that allows you to
draw on your computer. This can be anything from a full-blown parametric 3D modeling package like Solidworks, to
something as simple as Adobe Illustrator. Don't let the word CAD scare you. All it means is 'a program to draw in'.
CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing): CAM is where you turn your CAD design into something your CNC machine can
understand. CAM is software that lets you specify HOW your design is going to be made on your CNC machine. Your CAM
program will output G-code. Like most terminology around CNC, CAM sounds scarier than it really is.
Collet: A collet is a cone-shaped sleeve that holds an end mill in place in the spindle.
End Mill / Cutter / Tool: End mills are the cutting tools used by your Nomad 3. End mills are similar to drill bits, though,
typically they can cut in all directions. They come in several varieties, such as square, ball nose, and V-bit, and many sizes.
G-code: G-code (general, or geometric, code) is a CNC programming language that controls when, where, and how the
machine moves across the workpiece (for example, when to turn on or off, how fast to travel to a particular location,
what paths to take, etc.).
Home: Homing your machine is the process of sending it to a known, fixed, repeatable location. This means that every
time you home, the machine will move to exactly the same position allowing you to move your machine to positions
relative to the home position, with great precision. On your Nomad 3, the home is position is the back-right corner.
Interlock: Nomad 3 has an interlock which prevents the door from being opened while the machine is operating. When
the door is opened, the current job will pause and the spindle will stop and move to a parked location.
Interlock Key: The interlock key is a small magnetic key that allows you to disengage the Nomad 3’s safety interlock. The
interlock key is provided so you can set job zero with the door open. Never use the interlock key while the spindle is on.
Job Zero / Job Origin / Toolpath Zero / Program Zero: It may have many names, but job zero basically tells the machine
where to begin running the job. Job zero is a point in your design where all of the toolpaths will be based from (the X, Y,
and Z coordinates). Job zero is most commonly set in the lower-left corner of your stock.
Jog: Move the spindle to a specific position (a set of X, Y, Z coordinates) in the work area.
Spindle: The spindle is the part of the Nomad 3 that turns the end mills. The Nomad 3 spindle has a 130W motor with 9
24k RPM and angular contact bearings for greater rigidity.
Stock / Workpiece / Material: The sheet of material (wood, plastic, composite/synthetic, metal) being machined.
Table: The Nomad 3’s aluminum table holds your wasteboard and your material for machining. The table is your Y-Axis
and it moves forward and backward.
Toolpath: A toolpath is the “route” the cutting tool will follow as it shapes the workpiece. We use Carbide Create or
MeshCAM to define the toolpaths for a project.
Tool Change: When running a job that require multiple tools, Carbide Motion will prompt you each time you need to
change tools. After each tool change, your Nomad 3 will use the BitSetter to measure the length of the new tool.
Wasteboard: The wasteboard is a sacrificial surface that is installed to your machine’s table. It allows for easy through-
cutting operations (e.g. projects in which a part is cut completely from the surrounding stock) without the worry of
damaging your end mill or table. Wasteboards are often customized with a grid of drilled holes which allow for
workholding options such as top clamps.
Working Envelope: A working envelope is the CNC machine’s range of movement across its three axes: X, Y, Z.
Workholding / Hold-Down Solution: These are the options for securing your stock material to the machine table.
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Machine Use and Maintenance Log