Summer 2023
Transforming lives since 1946
Empowering children and adults with
disabilities and their families to pursue
their own goals and dreams. Serving
individuals from Southwestern Indiana,
Southern Illinois and Western Kentucky
Together is better! Meet Gavin and his friends.
Visit Room 109 at the Easterseals Early Learning Center and you’ll see a class-
room full of friends who have been learning, growing, and thriving together since
they were infants. You’ll also see one of the world’s brightest smiles from 3-year-old
Gavin Wininger, whos surrounded by his Milestones Early Care classmates.
Gavin was born with Williams Syndrome, a genetic condition that causes medical and
developmental needs. Gavin is very social and has a passion for music. While he can’t always say the words,
Gavin loves to hum tunes as his teachers and classmates sing along. Other favorite activities are swinging
on the playground, running fast, and participating in any kind of sensory activity – the messier, the better!
Gavin easily won the hearts of his classmates. They give him a hand when he needs it and include him in
all play and classroom activities. They even give Gavin hugs when he arrives or leaves for the day.
The Easterseals Early Learning Center is Evansvilles only fully inclusive early
education program, welcoming all children, including those with disabilities, delays,
and signicant medical conditions. Generous community support helps to make the
program possible, so Gavin and his classmates can learn, grow, and thrive together.
“This has been wonderful for Gavin,” said his mom Jennifer. “The teachers
have been great working with Gavins multiple therapists. And he can learn so
much by watching and playing with his classmates with many different abilities.
One of those classmates is Clara Frazer. Her mom Brooke said, “We feel it’s an
invaluable experience for Clara to be enrolled in a program where inclusion is at
the forefront. It has been a joy to watch Clara’s friendships bloom at ELC.” Ask
Clara about her friend Gavin, and she’ll say “Yep, hes my buddy! I love him!”
In August, Gavin “graduates” to the ELCs Mitchell LEAD Academy. And yes, his
friends will be there, too, because together is better!
When the Easterseals Rehabilitation Center started a new Clinical
Psychology Internship Program in 2019, there were two main
goals: (1) To increase the capacity of our own Department of
Psychology & Wellness to serve local children and families;
and (2) To grow the number of psychologists in our region.
We’re happy to report that two members of that inaugural 2019
internship class are returning to Evansville as doctors of clinical
psychology! Dr. Roselia Juan is joining our Easterseals team as
a member of our psychology department faculty, and she will also see various clients, including Spanish-speaking
children and families. Dr. Juliet Aura will be an Assistant Professor for UE’s new PsyD in Clinical Psychology program,
training future psychologists. We are excited to welcome these mental health professionals back to our community!
Former interns return to Evansville as
Clinical Psychology Faculty Members.
Roselia Juan, Ph.D. Juliet Aura, Ph.D.
Gavin and his friend Clara have fun while
learning together. More photos on page 6!
The Easterseals Rehabilitation Center’s MISSION is to make profound,
positive differences in the lives of local people with disabilities every day,
and to change the way our community denes and views disability.
OUR VISION is a community in which all individuals and families are
accepted, valued and included, and have equal opportunity to achieve their
goals, dreams and aspirations.
Visit or call 812.479.1411
Reections on 35 years
Kelly Schneider
In May I celebrated 35 years with Easterseals and was gifted a beautiful
bouquet of owers by my co-workers. The sentimentality of that has led me to
some wistful remembering of the last 3 ½ decades.
I started at Easterseals one year after college and had no plan to make a
career out of supporting and advocating for people with disabilities. I was the
manager of a group home which opened one year earlier, to serve eight young
children with signicant developmental disabilities. At that time, families could
not get support to help care for their children in their own homes. They were
faced with two options. Continue to provide all physical and emotional care at
home on their own or place their child in an institution. Group homes were the
newest option that got children into their home communities, in public school,
and out into the community.
Fortunately, in the 1990s services began through the Medicaid Waiver, which allowed families to
get assistance in their homes, sometimes for just a few hours a day, in many cases making all the
difference in the world. Unfortunately, most families could not qualify for these services for another
decade or more due to limited funding, but it was a step in the right direction. As children aged, all of
our group homes were converted to serve adults and we are proud to offer a home-like atmosphere
for those who need us. I could tell many stories about the fun we had with the kids and adults – the
things we tried – to help them be as independent as possible. From roller skating and swimming,
to picnics and cookouts, to Holiday World trips and school eld trips, to simple things like taking
individuals shopping for a new outt for a school dance. Everything was a learning experience and
watching them grow was so impactful and rewarding, my career path changed.
Throughout the years, I’ve had the opportunity to see and learn about different therapies and
services. I’ve never been bored. I’ve tried to make a difference for those we serve and for my co-
workers, and I am thankful for the relationships that I have built with both of these groups. There are
quite a few Easterseals staff who have been around for 30 plus years, several even longer than me. I
saw a group home direct care staff member a few weeks ago and we were instantly reminiscing and
laughing about experiences from the 90s.
In the last 10 years, I’ve had the great fortune to represent Easterseals in the community and with
our supporters. I am often overwhelmed with the positive reception that we get and the high regard
that people have for the staff of Easterseals, the mission, our stewardship of resources, and the
results that are achieved. I am thankful for the work that Ray Raisor, my predecessor, did to establish
this reputation, and for the fact that he always made it about the mission. Working with him as a
mentor for many years was the best training and education I could have asked for and working with
various members of our board has provided expertise in countless areas. I work every day to be sure
I’m holding up my end of the equation.
The strength of our organization is dependent on staff (past and present), donors, board members
and other volunteers, collaborative partners, and most of all, the people we serve. If you are reading
this newsletter, you probably fall into one of those categories and I am thankful for each of you.
I look forward to the future and am excited for the paths we are on to continue to meet the needs of
people with disabilities in our community and to expand our ability to make a difference.
Thanks to ABC25/CW7, the 2023 Easterseals
Telethon reached viewers across the Tri-State on
Friday, April 14. It was the 46th consecutive year
the stations donated 100% of production and air
time for the show, allowing all proceeds to fund
inclusive early education and essential therapy
services. The “nal tote” of $936,339 reected a
full year of generous community support!
The Telethon aired live from the Easterseals
Rehabilitation Center and included reports on
newscasts throughout the day. Hosts were
Eyewitness News team members Brad Byrd, Shelley
Kirk, Brandon Bartlett, Wayne Hart, Gretchen Ross,
Joe Bird, Ron Rhodes, and Stacey May.
Townsquare Media radio stations 99.5 WKDQ,
My 105.3 WJLT, KISS 106, WBKR, and 103GBF
also provided extensive live coverage, signicantly
increasing the impact of Telethon Friday.
Viewers met Child Ambassador Waylon Jackson
and Adult Ambassador Michelle Schmitt, whose
stories were told through compelling videos
donated by Direction by Newman, ABC25 and CW7.
Volunteers answered phones, groups “competed”
in the Dialin’ & Duelin’ call center, corporations and
event sponsors presented checks, and Pacesetters
reported on donations raised before the show.
Donors gave in person at the Kaiser Aluminum
“shbowl” and E’ville Iron hosted their annual
cruise-in of street rods. Top Telethon supporters
received Mayor’s Awards, and Mayor Lloyd
Winnecke proclaimed Easterseals Day in Evansville.
We thank everyone who was a part of Easterseals Telethon Friday!
Event photos are available for free viewing and downloading, thanks
to Roebling Photographics, at
46th annual Easterseals Telethon on ABC25/CW7 shares the
mission, raises funds, highlights a year of generous support.
Some highlights from the Easterseals Telethon held Friday,
April 14 (top to bottom):
Shelley Kirk interviews 2023 Child Ambassador Waylon
Jackson, his parents Jeff and Amanda, and his sister Aubrey.
Brandon Bartlett gets an update from the Joyner family:
Libby, Charlie (2022 Child Ambassador), Randy, and Trey.
Brad Byrd and 2023 Adult Ambassador Michelle Schmitt talk
about the impact of Easterseals.
Wayne Hart welcomes former Adult Ambassador and
dedicated PaceSetter volunteer Maurice Berendes.
All photos courtesty of Roebling Photographics.
Mark your calendar for coming events!
Find more details at, have fun, and make a difference!
Co. 4-H Center. Fri.-Sat. 8am.-4:30pm, Sun. 8am-2pm. $5 per person (kids under 12 free). Thousands
of pre-1948 street rods, a craft show, swap meet and concession stands. E’ville Iron generously
donates a portion of Frog Follies admission proceeds to Easterseals! Also enter
the half-pot rae at the Easterseals tent for just $5 per chance! Volunteer with
Easterseals at the half-pot tent! Contact Sara McKeehan, 812-437-2609
fun scramble at Cambridge Golf Course. DOUBLE SHOTGUN! 8AM OR 1PM!
Reserve NOW while sponsorships, teams & individual spots are still available.
Contact Sara McKeehan, 812-437-2609 or [email protected].
Celebrate three decades of this dazzling drive-through display! Exciting new
exhibits and special promotions are planned. Watch for announcements and
details at
1-MILE WALK: Enjoy Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights in a special way! On this night only,
the “magical mile of holiday lights” is closed to vehicles and open for a festive run/
walk experience. Find details and register at
LemonAid Stand’sLemonAid Stand’s
27-year total 27-year total
exceeds $100,000!exceeds $100,000!
Funds raised at the June 1st
event are already changing lives!
Thanks Abby,
Amy, Mark, PJ,
and Noah Wells
and friends for
an amazing
27th annual
LemonAid Stand
for Easterseals,
raising more than
$6,000 this year!
Holiday World welcomes over Holiday World welcomes over
3,000 guests to Play Day and 3,000 guests to Play Day and
generously donates proceeds.generously donates proceeds.
Thank you, Holiday World, for welcoming more
than 3,000 children with disabilities, their teachers
and assistants, to the 31st annual “Play Day!” on
May 17. The park generously donated the day’s
admission fees of $33,500 to Easterseals!
Play Day is a highlight of the year for many
area kids with disabilities. School groups receive
discounted tickets, Holiday World team members
give extra attention, and children enjoy the park at
their own pace.
Since 1993, Holiday World has hosted an
estimated 72,600 Play Day guests and donated a
cumulative total of approximately $612,000 to the
Easterseals Rehabilitation Center! l
*Deadline and drawing MAY be extended if tickets still available.
For a full list of rules, visit
Send completed form with check, money order, or
debit card info to Easterseals, 3701 Bellemeade Ave,, Evansville, IN 47714
BY JULY 14 & YOU COULD WIN 7 EXTRA TICKETS! Must be at least 18
and U.S. resident.
Name _________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________
City/State/Zip ____________________________________________
Phone _________________________________________________
Email __________________________________________________
Debit Card #________________________________Exp _________
Signature _______________________________________________
How many tickets? ($50 each or 3 for $100) __________
• CALL 812.437.2600, M-F, 8am-5pm to
pay with debit or checking information.
• MAIL check with completed form.
• IN PERSON at Easterseals Rehab
Center using cash, check or debit card.
DRAWING July 21, 2023*
NO credit cards accepted.
$50 per ticket or 3 for $100! Only 3,000 tickets available.
Proceeds fund early education and therapy
at the Easterseals Rehabilitation Center.
Congratulations to Mayor Winnecke, 2023 Tribute honoree!
Mayor Lloyd Winnecke
Congratulations to Lloyd Winnecke, Mayor of the City of Evansville, for
receiving the Community Impact Award at Easterseals Tribute on June 14!
The Mayor has been an unwavering supporter of Easterseals for decades,
rst as a news professional at ABC25/CW7 and then as a business leader,
when he served on the Easterseals Rehabilitation Center board of directors.
As Mayor, Lloyd has advocated for the Easterseals mission and programs,
emceed and supported numerous Easterseals events, and represented the
city on the Easterseals Telethon each year.
Throughout his time in oce, Lloyd has encouraged government, businesses,
and nonprots to work together to improve Evansvilles accessibility and to
empower individuals of all abilities to thrive in our community.
One of the Mayor’s ongoing priorities is improving access to quality mental
health services for local children and families. Lloyd’s advocacy is helping
organizations–including Easterseals–grow, innovate, and collaborate to meet those essential needs. The
positive impact is already being felt in our city today, and in the future, the entire regions mental health
landscape will be changed for the better.
Thank you, Mayor Winnecke, for your personal commitment to the principle that “e is for everyone.
Your leadership will continue to make a difference for years to come!
Win a 2023 Nissan Versa S CVT
or $20,000!
2nd prize $5,000 • 3rd prize $1,000
WildWheels Offer ends July 14!
Enter by JULY 14 for a chance to
Easterseals Rehabilitation Center
3701 Bellemeade Avenue
Evansville, Indiana 47714-0136
P 812.479.1411 F 812.437.2634
Evansville, Indiana
Permit No. 1953
Together is better! Meet Gavin & friends from the
Easterseals Early Learning Center. See page 1.
WildWheels Offer!
Enter by July 14 for a chance to win 7 extra tickets!
IN Rae #002228
Win a 2023 Nissan Versa S CVT
or $20,000!
2nd Prize $5,000 • 3rd Prize $1,000
Enter by 5pm July 19! Details & order form inside!